
BlackshipProxy since 2016

Average rating
Japan Is shipping worldwide


Associated/partner store of Whiterabbit, but a separate business as a forwarding service only.

MFC profile page: WHITERABBIT
MFC thread for discussions/questions outside feedback: club/72/discuss...

Twitter: twitter.com/bla...


We're on a mission to make buying stuff from Japan as simple and easy as possible. What makes Blackship different is how much friction we've removed from the process to get your packages moving forward fast.

As pioneers of proxy buying service in Japan, we launched White Rabbit Express over 12 years ago. Today our buy-and-ship service is used by people in 125 countries, and we've earned our reputation as the most customer-focused company in the industry. 97% of customers surveyed say they are highly-likely to recommend White Rabbit Express to a friend.

We built Blackship so that people who need package forwarding service can enjoy the same level of innovation and customer care which makes our buying service so popular.


Item prices
Item selection
Customer service
Stock management
Payment options
Shipping rates
Shipping rapidity
Shipping options