
FigmAddictsMonsters/etc compatible with figmas

MoroRegular Boarder • lv28
Online199 replies
4 years ago • Updated 4 years ago
It seems maybe this club is dead, but I'll try anyway.
I'm looking for figma-compatible sized (meaning, the right size to look correct with figmas) monsters like dragons or even more unusual beasts, and large bipedal monsters such as minotaurs or orcs. My suggestions are fantasy-themed but sci-fi themed kind of things are also good, I'm not picky as long as it's "monstrous"... a ferocious looking regular animal like a wolf would be fine too.

The size doesn't need to be exact, but in general something that's a little too big is better than too small. But if you at all think it could fit, please post anyway. I want things that are roughly to scale but it by no means needs to be perfect.

Poseable is ideal, but not required. I can build and paint kits so prepainted is also not required.

The things I know about already:
Mythic Legions
Safari fantasy figures (most are sadly too small)
A few NECA figures that fit this description
Kaiju figures

Thanks in advance for any help.
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OkenoRegular Boarder • lv18
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4 years ago
I assume by dogma compatible you mean same size and scale for interaction, not inter compatibility of parts?

The only thing I can think of is I’ve seen people turn the figma horse into a centaur by adding a figma torso.

I’m curious if anyone else comments though. I feel like revoltech has some monsterous designs in the KT line that has the dragon figure (which is kind of too small to be a typical dragon for figma to fight)
MoroRegular Boarder • lv28
Online199 replies
4 years ago • Updated 4 years ago
Okeno4 years ago#43350927I assume by dogma compatible you mean same size and scale for interaction, not inter compatibility of parts?
The only thing I can think of is I’ve seen people turn the figma horse into a centaur by adding a figma torso.
I’m curious if anyone else comments though. I feel like revoltech has some monsterous designs in the KT line that has the dragon figure (which is kind of too small to be a typical dragon for figma to fight)

Oh yes I'm sorry, I mean compatible sizes. I'll edit the post to clarify. Combining figures for hybrids is a whole other issue lol.
Yeah there are some really nice MH Revoltechs, but they are too small to quite work as a real dragon when compared to a figma. However, I'm still considering one or two of them just because they look so good and are not difficult to acquire.
The fate of destruction is also the joy of rebirth
EsvaldForceswoopRegular Boarder • lv13
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4 years ago
If someone can point me to some skeletons, goblins etc it would be much appreciated as well.
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