
Bootleg FindersTsumujikaze Store on eBay - authentic?

colacrystalssunset sarsaparilla star capRegular Boarder • lv10
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2 days ago
Hey all, as the title says I’m curious to know if the eBay seller Tsumujikaze Store only sells legitimate/authentic items.

Link: www.ebay.com/st...

They’re based in Japan so it seems like a safe bet, and they use actual photos of the items. They sell figures along with other anime merchandise. But some of the prices for their auction items seem CRAZY good. For example I’ve seen a two-sided two-way tricot dakimakura cover sell in one of their auctions for about $25 when normally it would sell for about $100 or more. The linen items like dakis are usually listed as "unknown anime cloth item".

Any thoughts or personal experiences to share regarding this seller?
AigistoneRegular Boarder • lv12
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2 days ago
While they do sell a ton of legit items, I have noticed some bootlegs popping up recently over the past year

www.ebay.ca/itm... bootleg of ITEM #92728

It's not super common, but I have seen them pop up. I have also seen them sell modified figures without mentioning anywhere in the description that the figure has been modified. (This was sometime last year so I can't find a link, but it was another sonico that had her head swapped onto a completely different body). They are mostly legit, but I would still cross check in cases
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