
The Question and Answer Club[Help] First Time Buying Off Mandrake

AliNekoDesuRegular Boarder • lv8
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20 hours ago

Today I ordered a dollfie from mandarake for the first time! It took awhile to figure out the website, but I finally received an email notification from the Umeda store, “checking if the item is in stock”

The dollfie in question is Rem! I had this listing bookmarked for.. almost 3 months, with no updates other than the price fluctuating.

My questions are:

• What are the odds that this Rem Dollfie is in stock currently?

• Has anyone ordered a dollfie or BJD from Mandarake, and if so, what was your experience?

• Has anyone ordered from the Umeda store, and if so, what was your experience?

• How long does shipping generally take for larger items?
bnomikoRegular Boarder • lv11
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19 hours ago
Generally if the item says available on Mandarake, it's in stock. The email you got is automated. They'll ask for payment in 1-3 days.

Shipping takes as long as whatever method you choose. They'll ship out 1-3 days after payment, and I usually get my item(s) in a week (I usually choose DHL).
bkdkRegular Boarder • lv18
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19 hours ago
AliNekoDesu20 hours ago#125688645Hi,
Today I ordered a dollfie from mandarake for the first time! It took awhile to figure out the website, but I finally received an email notification from the Umeda store, “checking if the item is in stock”
The dollfie in question is Rem! I had this listing bookmarked for.. almost 3 months, with no updates other than the price fluctuating.
My questions are:
• What are the odds that this Rem Dollfie is in stock currently?
• Has anyone ordered a dollfie or BJD from Mandarake, and if so, what was your experience?
• Has anyone ordered from the Umeda store, and if so, what was your experience?
• How long does shipping generally take for larger items?

If the specific listing has been available from Umeda for several months, odds are it's in stock. Mandarake is usually pretty good about updating what is and is not in stock, and I've never had an issue where they've canceled a storefront Item for being sold out (and I've made....a lot of Mandarake purchases.)

I cannot answer about ordering a Dollfie or BJD from Mandarake, but I can say that I've ordered from Umeda and several other storefronts and it's been very painless and easy. They all (Every front and SAHRA) are amazing at packaging items and their cardboard is sturdy and thick as heck.

It takes a few days for storefronts to invoice (I've has it as soon as several hours later and as long as 4 days later) but if it's not Sunday in Japan, if you pay before 12PM JST, they (99% of the time) will ship same day, it's something they advertise on their website which is really cool, but don't fret if they don't. It might take 24-48 hours for something to ship out.

EMS and DHL are the only options from Mandarake so do expect to pay a pretty penny for shipping but both are extremely quick from them (^_^)b good luck!
art by qhsrP_voy
AliNekoDesuRegular Boarder • lv8
Offline2 replies
13 hours ago • Updated 13 hours ago
Thank you both so much for all of the helpful information! ^—^

A little update:
I woke up to my order being confirmed this morning! So she was still in stock after so much time! I’ve paid the invoice and the shipping was 12,000 yen, or roughly $85 USD. (She is a very large item so I was expecting shipping to be on the higher end ;;v;;)

I’m just so happy, and very excited to receive my new Dollfie Dream girl!

bkdk19 hours ago#125688699If the specific listing has been available from Umeda for several months, odds are it's in stock. Mandarake is usually pretty good about updating what is and is not in stock, and I've never had an issue where they've canceled a storefront Item for being sold out (and I've made....a lot of Mandarake purchases.)
I cannot answer about ordering a Dollfie or BJD from Mandarake, but I can say that I've ordered from Umeda and several other storefronts and it's been very painless and easy. They all (Every front and SAHRA) are amazing at packaging items and their cardboard is sturdy and thick as heck.
It takes a few days for storefronts to invoice (I've has it as soon as several hours later and as long as 4 days later) but if it's not Sunday in Japan, if you pay before 12PM JST, they (99% of the time) will ship same day, it's something they advertise on their website which is really cool, but don't fret if they don't. It might take 24-48 hours for something to ship out.
EMS and DHL are the only options from Mandarake so do expect to pay a pretty penny for shipping but both are extremely quick from them (^_^)b good luck!

bnomiko19 hours ago#125688693Generally if the item says available on Mandarake, it's in stock. The email you got is automated. They'll ask for payment in 1-3 days.
Shipping takes as long as whatever method you choose. They'll ship out 1-3 days after payment, and I usually get my item(s) in a week (I usually choose DHL).

AliNekoDesu20 hours ago#125688645Hi,
Today I ordered a dollfie from mandarake for the first time! It took awhile to figure out the website, but I finally received an email notification from the Umeda store, “checking if the item is in stock”
The dollfie in question is Rem! I had this listing bookmarked for.. almost 3 months, with no updates other than the price fluctuating.
My questions are:
• What are the odds that this Rem Dollfie is in stock currently?
• Has anyone ordered a dollfie or BJD from Mandarake, and if so, what was your experience?
• Has anyone ordered from the Umeda store, and if so, what was your experience?
• How long does shipping generally take for larger items?
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