
Megami TenseiMegami TenseiFigures & Goods

Megami Tensei
NeuromanticNeuromantic2 years ago
Even though I was able to find several other clubs covering the Megami Tensei franchise, I wanted to make my own in the pursuit of consolidating any and all MegaTen goods, specifically figures, into one group. While I am totally all for creating a space for MegaTen fans to congregate, the main goals for this club is to make these goods easily accessible, as well as enable others to discover goods that they were unaware existed.
Updated 2 years ago74 users32 comments


3 replies • Started by njdrawscomics 2 years ago
1 reply • Started by ZarekZ 1 year ago
9 replies • Started by njdrawscomics 2 years ago

Comments32 comments

Hey there! I have been working on adding things from the Last Bible series to MFC!
LIST #231058 Here is a list of everything I have added
I'll try to update it regularly, but since it's Last Bible, I'm sure I won't have much to keep adding
Has anyone else checked out these games before? Personally, I really liked Last Bible 3 a whole lot. I like what Last Bible 1 adds to the timeline, though. Last Bible 2 had my favorite protagonist! Something fun to find in each game :)
1 month ago
Ok. Have the silly book now. The shin dds fan book was published 9/5/1995. From a skim through the book it covers smt 1&2, if, digital devil story 1&2 and the last bible games? Plus some super famicom games. So definitely looks as if its a compilation of the franchise thus far.
9 months ago
MisterSwag1 year ago#110652163Oh wow. The picture both clears up yet muddies what i had thought. I noticed the book was released on 1995 on suru, but i saw a listing of it on rakuten talking of a first edition so i believe that like the persona fan books it had a rerelease - potentially a 1992/3 and 1995 since the other fanbook which mentions both if and 2 is listed here as a 1993 release ITEM #141782. Maybe it had previews of the upcoming games a whole year ahead? Also with the unlisted one its also use the smt 2 art of nekomata which was also on the first edition listing so???
Looks like i might have to order the other one as well...
Yeah, info on pre-2000s smt media is a wild, wild west. Maybe they registered the copyright before the games released...? Or that they're going off the smt1 copyright and throwing the newer nekomata art in (Since I don't think there was any drawn for smt1 at the time. They could have used another demon though?).

But again, really no way to know for sure besides actually owning the books, unfortunately. Sometimes if you look at Mercari/YHJ listings though, there'll be pictures of the first page, and that usually has info on release dates, which might help if you could find different dates.
1 year ago
pommedeterre1 year ago#110649502No problem! I actually just looked at my own book, and there is a section with a brief description of every book published before it, including that particular fanbook. https://i.ibb.co/FBJJL4F/IMG-20220615-093411.jpghttps://i.ibb.co/F0DCLsQ/IMG-20220615-093353.jpg
I'm hardly fluent in Japanese, but it does seem like that fanbook is focused on smt1, looking at how the other one mentions smt2 and if..., but again, not completely sure, and if anyone can clarify, that'd be much appreciated.

Oh wow. The picture both clears up yet muddies what i had thought. I noticed the book was released on 1995 on suru, but i saw a listing of it on rakuten talking of a first edition so i believe that like the persona fan books it had a rerelease - potentially a 1992/3 and 1995 since the other fanbook which mentions both if and 2 is listed here as a 1993 release ITEM #141782. Maybe it had previews of the upcoming games a whole year ahead? Also with the unlisted one its also use the smt 2 art of nekomata which was also on the first edition listing so???

Looks like i might have to order the other one as well...
1 year ago
MisterSwag1 year ago#110648412Thanks for your reply, and it gave me a new insight into early smt. I know very little pre 2000s smt so whatever information helps out a lot for me. But i will definitely look into this book when i get it since i found little info on it in both eng and japanese.
If i was to put in that guide book of yours i would probably list all games that it featured, but using megami tensei as an entry wouldnt hurt either - worst case someone edits it. But seriously thanks for the reply!
No problem! I actually just looked at my own book, and there is a section with a brief description of every book published before it, including that particular fanbook. https://i.ibb.co/FBJJL4F/IMG-20220615-093411.jpghttps://i.ibb.co/F0DCLsQ/IMG-20220615-093353.jpg
I'm hardly fluent in Japanese, but it does seem like that fanbook is focused on smt1, looking at how the other one mentions smt2 and if..., but again, not completely sure, and if anyone can clarify, that'd be much appreciated.
1 year ago
pommedeterre1 year ago#110646161Tbh I have absolutely no clue. I have a similar guide book titled smt but I haven't added it to the database yet because idk how to deal with the fact that it has literally every game in the series up to its publishing. (Maybe I can use the megami tensei entry...?)
I'm pretty sure shin digital devil story is often used to refer to the general smt series (I don't think there'd be a fan book for the novels), and I'd assume that the book was dedicated to smt1....if the nekomata design on the cover wasn't from smt2. Maybe it's both? Or just smt2, idk.
I think fan/guide books from that era are unpredictable in their contents, especially with how vague that title is, so you'd probably have to check once you get yours :(

Thanks for your reply, and it gave me a new insight into early smt. I know very little pre 2000s smt so whatever information helps out a lot for me. But i will definitely look into this book when i get it since i found little info on it in both eng and japanese.

If i was to put in that guide book of yours i would probably list all games that it featured, but using megami tensei as an entry wouldnt hurt either - worst case someone edits it. But seriously thanks for the reply!
1 year ago
MisterSwag1 year ago#110639824Glad im not the only one who thought this.
Atm i am unsure if its a fanbook of all the megami tensei entries up until its publication, or if its just a fan book of smt? It reads shin megami tensei but it also has shin dds (digital devil story?? perhaps?) underneath in english.
If you have any info that would be amazing, otherwise i will have to wait until i receive a copy in the mail. Thanks
Tbh I have absolutely no clue. I have a similar guide book titled smt but I haven't added it to the database yet because idk how to deal with the fact that it has literally every game in the series up to its publishing. (Maybe I can use the megami tensei entry...?)

I'm pretty sure shin digital devil story is often used to refer to the general smt series (I don't think there'd be a fan book for the novels), and I'd assume that the book was dedicated to smt1....if the nekomata design on the cover wasn't from smt2. Maybe it's both? Or just smt2, idk.

I think fan/guide books from that era are unpredictable in their contents, especially with how vague that title is, so you'd probably have to check once you get yours :(
1 year ago
pommedeterre1 year ago#110632746Could've sworn the same lol, but looks like it hasn't been added yet. The only two fan books in the database atm are ITEM #1417823 and ITEM #77214.
Glad im not the only one who thought this.

Atm i am unsure if its a fanbook of all the megami tensei entries up until its publication, or if its just a fan book of smt? It reads shin megami tensei but it also has shin dds (digital devil story?? perhaps?) underneath in english.

If you have any info that would be amazing, otherwise i will have to wait until i receive a copy in the mail. Thanks
1 year ago
MisterSwag1 year ago#110631789Is there an entry for: www.suruga-ya.j...
I swear to god i saw an entry here a few months ago for it but i cannot find it. Cheers
Could've sworn the same lol, but looks like it hasn't been added yet. The only two fan books in the database atm are ITEM #1417823 and ITEM #77214.
1 year ago
Is there an entry for: www.suruga-ya.j...
I swear to god i saw an entry here a few months ago for it but i cannot find it. Cheers
1 year ago



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