
Nendoroid #408 - Mako Mankanshoku // ReviewNendoroid #408 - Mako Mankanshoku // ReviewReview

shiromikuroshiromikuro8 years ago

I’m back this week with a third Nendoroid review! She’s been out for a while, since August 2014 actually, but I’ve seen no reviews on MFC about her yet, so I decided to make one =) The lucky one today is Mako Mankanshoku from Kill La Kill! This review will be a quick one as well… And of course, I will throw in a little bonus picture at the end like usual =)

So, again, let’s start by taking a quick look at the box!


(Mako was already opened, so all the plastic are already gone, fyi)

This box is one of the few chosen ones that is actually based with a black background along with Ryuuko, Devil Homura and a few others. She’s also one of the nendoroids that the box is designed with both the matte and glossy finish. If you look carefully onto the design of the box, the box is mainly made with a matte finish, and the glossy finish is used on the diagonals as a design, which makes it a very simple yet special design.


Another thing that makes this series’ nendoroid box stand out is the design of their name on front. It’s not very noticeable in this picture, but it’s actually written Mankanshoku Mako in Kanji, in a transparent red, on the window of the box. The transparency of the words make is very discreet, not bothering the view of Mako in the box much, as you can still see her pretty clearly.


Like most of the boxes, the anime series is written on the top left of the box, in case you ever forget about which series that character is from~ And of course, let’s not forgot our little Mako’s picture at the front and a little sneak peak at her nendoroid form! And if you look around carefully, you will see her adorable pet, Guts!

The sides and the back of the box were printed in a different color as the front, giving it an interesting contrast. The same orange from the front was used for the background of the rest of the box. Different shades of oranges were used to complete the design, making the black totally absent from the rest of it.


O_O ohhh, the inside cardboard of the box is orange too! But this color goes so well with Mako-chan! And obviously, it comes with the instruction booklet as always. There wasn’t much design on the cardboard for Mako, just the usual numbering written on a plain orange background. You know, sometimes I just wish all of them had a design on it so I could use it as a background for display T_T


Now, now, I’ll take a break from dreaming haha. Let’s look at the optional parts that came in with Mako before looking at the main dish =)

Lucky for the ones who got her, or plan on getting her! She actually comes with 3 face plates, and each of them has an unique feature to it and they all look adorable! So basically, she comes with a “shouting” face, a “happy” face, and a sleepy face, which comes with a sleep bubble.

Other optional parts are 3 arms, 2 legs, her beloved croquettes, a connecting piece for her bubble, her sleep bubble and of course, her lovely Guts!


… comes with something all nendoroids should have, a base and the pegs and stands. As you’ve already noticed, Mako comes with two stands instead of one, the one on the far right meant for poses in the air. The middle one is the one that comes with all nendoroids, more meant for standing poses on the base… (She also comes with an extra joint that I forgot to include in the picture)

And now… the main dish =)


Hola! Let’s start with the usual standard standing pose! This picture pretty much describes it all. Very simple detailing, the design from the anime replicated very well. I really love her this way, as a really simple nendoroid, and of course, that’s part of Mako’s charm! You can totally notice the small dynamism from her skirt as well. For some reason… I find her cheeks look a bit chubby, but it also makes her looks super cute hehe


Her basic poses comes with 16 pieces if all taken apart. As you can see, her arms can be removed from her sleeves. And as usual, her legs can be separated from her hips, and the skirt from the top body. Her head comes with a neck plate and one ball joint like all the newer nendoroids.


What do I have to say? Very neat and cute =3


The shorter stand is used for this pose. Her hair is roundly perfect =3 Looks like a little sphere hehe




[Update] If you take a closer look on her lips, you see a bit of paint "bleeding" on the edge of her lips, but it's not actually paint bleed, it's actually meant to be there (after looking at a few photos). Her mouth is supposed to have this shape =T So it was intended. Though I wished they made it more obvious (I honestly thought it was a paint bleed until someone told me, thanks btw!)

And if you’re wondering (like I did), the little white line in the lower part of her pupil was intended, which I find was a good choice of design, makes her look more alive…


Well, the good thing is that the rest of her paint job is almost perfect, (just a bit of overlaying paint from her socks to her shoe on her right foot).


They even put a small fold on her sleeve!

The peg fits perfectly on her back! Though the bad thing is that we can’t entirely push it into the hole, because the back flap of her uniform stands in the way. So be careful handling your nendoroid while she’s holding up with the stand (she might easily fall off with the experience I’ve had)…


Hola! Second pose designed just for Mako from Goodsmile! The same uniform shirt and skirt, from the standard pose, were used and will be the only ones used for any other poses. I basically only changed to both her optional legs and arms part, and switching her standard face to the shouting one. And gladly, this face plate came out perfect. The other parts are just perfect too!

A little note to all owners of Mako : these two arms can NOT be separated from their sleeves, (or you will break it!) The third optional arm is fixed on the standard poses’ sleeve.



How to insert sneeze bubble…

How to insert sneeze bubbleHow to insert sneeze bubble


A mini tutorial on how to put the sneezing bubble before the next pose review! The parts involved will be these three; front bangs, transparent connection, sneeze bubble! Make sure you remove the bangs from the face plate and the back hair for easier installment of the bubble. As you may not see it, there is a hole on the other side of the bubble to fit both parts together.


First, you will see a little design on the inside of her front bangs that matches with the little transparent plastic, so you basically just fit both of the parts together, with the joint thing sticking towards the outside.


That’s how the front looks with the transparent connection.


All you have to do now is to fit the bubble into the joint and put the bangs back to her head.


And there you go! Look at this cute sleeping Mako! She’s drooling too! Sad thing is that, you can’t use the bubble with any other nendoroids because of the unique way it’s fixed.


On the side, you can see how the installment was done.


Honestly… I don’t know how she can sleep standing up like this xD hehe


Last pose… One of her signature poses from the anime! How can we miss this? This pose is made with her standard arm and leg parts, but this already makes her look so much more dynamic.


And let’s not forget our beloved Guts and their tasty croquettes!


A closer look to mini Guts and the food. As you can see, the sculpts from GSC paid very good attention to the small details of these two. Though the paint on top of his muzzle isn’t the greatest…


On this last picture, you can see how I used the longer stand to make her float in the air. (The shorter one was too short to even put her up that high)… You can see even more of the details on Guts’ hoodie here… They put so much detail work on him! <3


To conclude today’s review, I found that this nendoroid came with very little amount of parts, but it was also enough to express her entire personality from the anime! But yet again, gives us very little posing choices.

(Seriously… the first time I saw her, I didn’t even think of getting her at all because of her design, but right after I watched the anime, I was totally captivated by her charms! I definitely had to get her.) Her design is very very very very and VERY, VERY VERY simple, but I find that Goodsmile has made that up with all her unique face plates, since of course, her expressivity is the main part of her charm! It wouldn’t be Mako at all if she only came with one or two normal face plates!

Honestly, I don’t regret getting Mako at all, she was a great buy, since Kill La Kill is one of my favorite anime, and she’s one of my favorite characters… But also how I like the fact that GSC didn’t overdo it with her optional parts (which stayed plain and simple and didn’t override her most important traits, in my opinion) and decided on giving her more expressions, which describes her personality the best.

(Hm… I shall rewatch Kill La Kill tonight…)

Little bonus picture!


P.S.: This beat up face was an optional part that came with all pre-orders from GSC Online Shop, and I don’t regret getting it at all!

Thanks for reading my review! Hope you enjoyed it! As usual, if you have any question, request or comments (bad good, no so good...), please leave a message so I can do better next time! =)
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M-Linfa7 years ago#3999044If you check her little manual in the box you’ll find two holes identified on the arms G and H , I can actually see them on the picture you uploaded with the manual, I was wondering if you noticed them or knew what they were for ? the next page of the manual seems to explain their purpose but I don’t read japanese so I couldn’t understand

Oh sorry, about that, you use those two arms to reproduce the pose that you see on the top of the box (the same pose that I used for the last picture, with Ryuko! =)
7 years ago
shiromikuro7 years ago#3985323Sorry for the late reply, but I'm not sure what you mean?

If you check her little manual in the box you’ll find two holes identified on the arms G and H , I can actually see them on the picture you uploaded with the manual, I was wondering if you noticed them or knew what they were for ? the next page of the manual seems to explain their purpose but I don’t read japanese so I couldn’t understand
7 years ago
M-Linfa7 years ago#3930319nice review but since I don’t read japanese I have no idea what those two holes G and H under her long arm’s wrists are for ?
Sorry for the late reply, but I'm not sure what you mean?
7 years ago
nice review but since I don’t read japanese I have no idea what those two holes G and H under her long arm’s wrists are for ?
7 years ago
Moofin8 years ago#2807347she's absolutely cute!! i also love the little Guts!
one thing i'd like to point out that you don't have to be worried, that's not a paint bleed on her defalut faceplate, it is supposed to give her a :T like face. at least that's how i see it, i may be wrong :^)

Thanks a bunch! I did some photo research and it was actually my mistake! Glad you pointed it out! I fixed the post now =) Thanks a bunch again haha
8 years ago
she's absolutely cute!! i also love the little Guts!

one thing i'd like to point out that you don't have to be worried, that's not a paint bleed on her defalut faceplate, it is supposed to give her a :T like face. at least that's how i see it, i may be wrong :^)
8 years ago

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