
Refurbishing Digimon Bandai 1999 Plush haulRefurbishing Digimon Bandai 1999 Plush haulTutorial

PluandaPluanda7 years ago
Hi there, this is my first Blog entry I hope I'm doing everything right and understandable. I'm not a native english speaker so I apologize for grammatical errors.

So I got these childhood dreams on ebay. I think they are the cutest Digimon Plushies ever made. And since you can only find them in used condition I thought I could fix a few things. And maybe it would be useful for other plushies as well.

Please be careful with the materials, I tested everything on paper first and tried it on the fabric on an unnoticable place first to see how it would work.

I got them in a pretty good condition. I decided not to do anything on Agumon but included him in the shoot as well because I love him.

I'm a bit upset they were so expensive. I remember my brother and I found Agumon in a bargain box for only 5€. My brother keeps it now.

Even with all the care in the world , 7 Years took a toll on them.

So here are the materials used.
The first thing I did was to clean them from dust with a cloth brush?. ( I don't know what they are called in english but we call it Samtbürste in german.) This tool makes nearly every particle off clothes and doesn't destroy the fabric. I absolutely love it. But please test it on other fabrics before you use it on everything else.


Then I renewed the eyes with a white varnish? pen. On the left side you can see the new eyes. It should be easy if you start in the middle and make small circles to the outside.

I also used the white varnish pen for teeth whitening on Palmon and adding missing teeth on Gabumon.

PLEASE be careful, and use a table cloth or newspaper underneath while working. It can be tricky to work work with glue and markers. Mine kinda exploded halfway, but luckily nothing got hit.

The normal blue marker had the same color as Gabumons ears when I tested them,so I simply drem them in. Sadly I didn't have a varnish pen in that color,it would have looked better.

Biyomon was the oldest, I got her a bit cheaper though.
I used fabric glue I got very cheap and a brush to spread the glue.

This is how it looked

Since I didn't want the glue to get on other fabrics. I used some foil and tape to secure it around her.

Then I added glue and spread it with the brush.
Then I pressed the fabric with clothes pins in other to glue the other ends.

Tada~ Here is the end result:

I didn't had to do this but the twirly thing from Biyomon looked kind of dead,so I used some wire and bent and cut it with a plier to the shape of my desire.
The thing looks kind of like this before and I just put the wire between the fabric. It was a bit tricky so I used duct tape so that it would not shift. BUT I would recommend sewing it instead. I just didn't have the willpower.
After that you carefully apply fabric glue on the edges with the brush. It also helps to stabilize it.
Here the result:

The leg of her looked pretty bad too, I will probably buy a grey/silver fabric gift ribbon and sew ir on her in the future.

Thats it! I hope you liked it and it will be helpful in the future. All the things I used are pretty handy and always good to have around. If you have any questions,just ask. :)

Also here is a picture with all of them. I would be very happy if you commented on it in my gallery. Thank you very much for reading!

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Wow - that's so cool! You did such good work and they turned out so great. I may have to keep this in mind if I ever find used digimon plushies myself. Thanks for sharing!
6 years ago
I'm glad its helpful. It may be stiff at first but it will get softer with time or you can handwash it carefully afterwards. I handwashed Biyomon afterwards because I wanted I thought she was dirty and the collar got softer and the glue was still doing its work. Since its only the claws on Agumon, that should be no problem.

Also thank you very much for answering my question from Cardcaptor Sakura. :)

Dribz7 years ago#9886535I'll have to use the glue technique that you used on Biyomon's collar for my Agumon's claws! Thanks for this!
7 years ago
I'll have to use the glue technique that you used on Biyomon's collar for my Agumon's claws! Thanks for this!
7 years ago
I'm really glad you enjoyed reading this. Digimon is something important that still teaches us so much. I'm so glad so many people still share this feeling. Doing this was actually really fun and uncomplicated :). And thanks for reading!

Ruritto7 years ago#6137441That is so cute!! Omg. My heart sort of warmed reading this. Digimon is one of the oldest anime's my cousins and I watched and seeing their plushes get taken care of like this is adorable. They look so adorable I want to cuddle them. I sort of wished I had your patience and skill to clean up and repair my own plushes. Wonderful work on these. They look good as new!
7 years ago
That is so cute!! Omg. My heart sort of warmed reading this. Digimon is one of the oldest anime's my cousins and I watched and seeing their plushes get taken care of like this is adorable. They look so adorable I want to cuddle them. I sort of wished I had your patience and skill to clean up and repair my own plushes. Wonderful work on these. They look good as new!
7 years ago
Thanks! Do it, do it! If you have any questions, maybe I can help you.Smey7 years ago#6137289Whoa, they look so good!
Here I just have the Wormmon plushie... I need to fix him :C
7 years ago
Whoa, they look so good!
Here I just have the Wormmon plushie... I need to fix him :C
7 years ago
Thank you for reading!Otaku4Ever7 years ago#6137266Wow! You did a great job ^^
7 years ago
Wow! You did a great job ^^
7 years ago
Thanks!Leo_Otaku7 years ago#6137209Fantastic job they look amazing :D
7 years ago