
Making my own figures - One year later...Making my own figures - One year later...Diary

naisornaisor5 years ago
Hi, I recently made some time to take some pictures. I personally don't like taking pictures (not my thing), so I usually get my works hidden from most people that aren't there physically to see it, but here is what I got.

It has been over a year since I started this Rias Gremory ENTRY #34398 figure from my last post metarealia.blog... that I made on my blog and I have finally I got some improvement.

In part, I got an inspiration spark from the current season of High School DxD, which I enjoy very much, and in part because I'm visiting Japan this summer and I'll be visiting Wonder Festival 2018 Summer, of course. So, I would like to talk and show some of my work with fellow Japanese figure sculptors.

So, without further delay, here are the photos:












The wings at detachable, so maybe I'll be able to make the option to display here with or without the wings (though, I love Rias' wings, so I want them present all the time) when it's finally finished.

She has an arm-band on her left arm, which might be able to notice. This is mainly because, everyone does those weird "arm-rings" as a kinda cheap solution for the sake of assembly and I wanted to try to avoid that by putting something else. I'll put one of those bands they use at schools in Japan with the legend "buchou" (president) written in Kanji, and maybe have it purposely crossed out to say "Rias" written in Katakana overlapped (people who follow the series might understand).

On the right arm however... I tried by doing a stylized hair extension, but couldn't anything that satisfied me for the moment, so I'll think on a thin arm band that would resemble some laces and maybe a little flower accessory or so.

You might notice that the "ahoge" is looks a little bit flat to the front (and.. maybe too long, but I kinda like it that way). Well, that is because I wanted to add a beach hat, while still preserving the ahoge. What I think I'll do later on is to make two detachable versions in order to display her with and without the hat with their respective ahoge's at different angles.

Here is her with the hat on:












Of course, this is a prototype, so it is done in different parts that would require assembly. My plan is to make a mold and cast some copies to do more stuff of my liking with the, some "mod" versions of sort; especially with the base body.

Here is a picture of all the pieces so far:


I might break down the back hair into two pieces at least later on for the mold's sake.

Next, is refining the details before preparing the surface and priming to finally start making the molds. It's still halfway through, but I'm very satisfied so far.

I'm happy to discuss anything about figure making and look at other people's work in whatever state of completion. :)
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MattKaySeven4 years ago#56300245I wonder wich material you use to sculpt her, it does not look like some polyclay like SuperSculpey, it looks more like a 2 component mix, or is it Fimo ?
Do you plan to sand the surface before you cast it? ...and does it has a underneath support structure...?
I'm deeply sorry I haven't been able to answer you earlier, it's a particularly very business week at work and I'm not even halfway through yet. But, I hope to discuss more in a soon-to-come blog I'm planning on doing to update this work.

To answer your question, I use primarily paperclay, which air-drying. Papercaly is my primary material for prototyping to then make a mold to cast the final figure in resin; as paperclay tend to be at the end fragile, especially where you added layers of material. You can sand it, but to rely get it smooth, you have to add surfacer, first by hand then by airbrush, to get a smoother finish.

For the front hair piece with the bangs I use two-part epoxy used for wood repairs, which is slightly softer and more sandable after curing.
4 years ago
Woah! Looks so good! You should definitely take pictures more! :D Good luck with all your future further works!

Gahh! I should really get to my own custom project ideas!!
4 years ago
Dorayaki_Senpai5 years ago#36019429View spoilerHide spoilerView spoilerHide spoiler
Well you applied for Bandai, but you dreamed on making another company's line up, its like sabotaging your application by your self lmao, even if they said its not necessarily from them.
But yeah man dinoriders are cool! I think dinoriders, starcom, and m.a.s.k is the coolest figures i had from US companies back then :p
Oh i've read somewhere, is it true they are planning to make big screen version of dinoriders?
Wish you achieved your dream then, just dont be like capo toys on kickstarter and keep updating the finished product :)
Hmmm... as far as I know, any news about an upcoming DinoRiders movie are not genuine. I think it is even way less likely than the supposed He-man movie coming up on 2019.

Nevertheless, since Mattel are now making the Jurassic World toys... hmmm, and it seems they are planning to make a third movie...hmmm, can't we can just progress to the point where the fourth movie or so involve dinosaurs now living among humans, and humans putting lasers to said dinosaurs? OK, it is very unlikely, but I can dream. ;)

FYI, I bought one of those Colossal huge T-rex from Mattel; best T-rex toy ever. I plan to make with such my own DinoRider's T-rex with the in the future using lots and lots of Kotobukiya's hexagear figures and M.S.G. junk. XD
5 years ago
View spoilerHide spoilernaisor5 years ago#36002731Well, after I finished Doctor's Course I did applied for Bandai; that was like back in 2011. It seems I was "over-qualified" because spots were available mostly for people coming with their Bachelor's; as well as I didn't had any experience in toy making, so I just tossed some photos of my works at the time to see how far I could get.
They asked me what toy-line has been the most meaningful to me that I can remember (not necessarily from them), and I pointed out that I would like to revive something like DinoRiders from Tyco (now property of Mattel). I felt they... kinda didn't liked the idea.
My point is, I used to dream a little bit about working for a toy or figure company, but the more I see the direction and decisions big companies make nowadays, I kinda perceive that maybe I wouldn't had been free to make exactly the figures I want, or the way I want them, and so on.
So, maybe I'm a little bit more happy right now as a hobbyist. Besides, now we have kickstarter's and indiegogo's and so on, so maybe I'll try to do something in the future. I do want to revive DinoRiders after all. :)

Well you applied for Bandai, but you dreamed on making another company's line up, its like sabotaging your application by your self lmao, even if they said its not necessarily from them.

But yeah man dinoriders are cool! I think dinoriders, starcom, and m.a.s.k is the coolest figures i had from US companies back then :p

Oh i've read somewhere, is it true they are planning to make big screen version of dinoriders?

Wish you achieved your dream then, just dont be like capo toys on kickstarter and keep updating the finished product :)
5 years ago
Klala5 years ago#35981426Thank you for the advices and book/videos recommandations :)!You're welcome. I really like discussing methods and techniques to make figures and toys in general; and to mod existing ones too.

Feel free to discuss or send me a PM whenever you might have a question or comments. :)
5 years ago
Dorayaki_Senpai5 years ago#35939820I wish you can become a full time sculptor in big company :)Well, after I finished Doctor's Course I did applied for Bandai; that was like back in 2011. It seems I was "over-qualified" because spots were available mostly for people coming with their Bachelor's; as well as I didn't had any experience in toy making, so I just tossed some photos of my works at the time to see how far I could get.

They asked me what toy-line has been the most meaningful to me that I can remember (not necessarily from them), and I pointed out that I would like to revive something like DinoRiders from Tyco (now property of Mattel). I felt they... kinda didn't liked the idea.

My point is, I used to dream a little bit about working for a toy or figure company, but the more I see the direction and decisions big companies make nowadays, I kinda perceive that maybe I wouldn't had been free to make exactly the figures I want, or the way I want them, and so on.

So, maybe I'm a little bit more happy right now as a hobbyist. Besides, now we have kickstarter's and indiegogo's and so on, so maybe I'll try to do something in the future. I do want to revive DinoRiders after all. :)
5 years ago
naisor5 years ago#35921448View spoilerHide spoilerHi, thank you for the comment. I think paperclay is fairly easy and intuitive to use. The think is that the most intuitive thing people usually think about making figures is to first to build an wire armature, personally I find that unnecessary and even detrimental, as making adjustments to the overall proportions and pose makes it get in the way.
I have followed the following books ITEM #111439 ITEM #111440, which I believe are the most essential for anyone wanting to make figure on their own, which use paperclay. Although there are in Japanese, they are so full of step by step pictures that I think will help anyone regardless of the language barrier. At the same time, I took a lot of tips from these videos which I discovered here on MFC:
By looking a these videos, I replicated the drying cabinet with the lightbulb shown there, and it is an godsend in the sense that it allows me to work way faster than just letting it dry outside for hours. One time, I accidentally made this figure fall breaking the neck, and I was able to repair it at full strength in around 20 minutes thanks to the drying cabinet.
With all that, paperclay is cheap (around $10USD or less for a pound) and I have use just one block to make this Rias and I still have spare clay to make at least another figure.
This Rias figure is 1/8 scale by the way. :)

Thank you for the advices and book/videos recommandations :)!
5 years ago
I wish you can become a full time sculptor in big company :)
5 years ago
Newcomer5 years ago#35919854If someone with good painting can paint this, I think this is really well made sculpting! Well, painting would be one of the final steps; I hope to get there in the near future.

Right now, I still have to refine some details, prepare the surface, prime, make some molds, cast the pieces, prepared the pieces for painting, prime, paint, seal and then the job will be complete. Still some good way to go. :)
5 years ago
orochimaruxsaber5 years ago#35911417This is incredible! Great job, the sculpt is awesome, the proportions are just perfect. How do you separate the pieces after sculpting?Thank you for the comment. I use a hyper cut saw 0.1mm like this one hlj.com/product... once the body is shaped to a certain point. Then I apply some 1.5 - 3mm wires as pins to keep it all together. :)
5 years ago

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