
Kongou 1/4 bunny ver by freeing (arpeggio)Kongou 1/4 bunny ver by freeing (arpeggio)Review

Anime Figure Store
Chloe-tsundereChloe-tsundere3 years ago
Hello everyone!

Since today i am the lucky owner of this lovely bunny kongou!
I have been hunting her for a while but due to hefty shipping never clicked the order button. Until an mfc user messaged me he could offer her within my budget and i Wouldnt have to pay customs etc.
Shes my very first 1/4 bunny girl.

Anyways onto the main attraction!
A very big kongou bunny!


So as usual we start with pose


Lets take a look at her from all angles.
Shes very big so im sorry if you miss some angles.


Shes in a very alluring laying pose. Which you dont see a lot with bunny girls, often theyre standing or sitting.

To me the pose makes her more sexy, the way her hands are positioned and everything.


Lets take a look at the paint and sculpt

- paint and sculpt

So lets take a look at her details. We start from the top.

Her hair.
Oh her hair like its done in the cadenza movie, is veeery pretty. Personslly prefer it over the other haircut in the serie.


Her hair strains could be a bit more detailed, however nothing too bothersome.


The backside looks stunning, not much to add.


No big seams, its well hidden here on top as well.

Her bangs are well made, they dont look like some figures have like its glued together and very motionless.


If i had to nitpick, her neck could be a bit smoother but imho i really had to position her in a weird way to notice it


Now lets take a closer look at the ears
There are small wrinkles on her left ear, nice detail.
The purple is really glossy in a good way


Now lets look at her face

Overall view of face,hair and ears to start with


Zooming in on her face
If u are familiar with kongou you know she always has a dedicated and serious look on her, so this fits her. Plus the blueish lipstick which is typical for her is a nice detail.


Zoomed in on the eyes


Very detailed

We go a bit lower to her neck area.

The small ribbon


Maybe the white part could have been done better but not much to see here thats really bad.

Now we move on a bit lower, to her back.


Her back is stunning, all the little details like her shoulder blades and spine there which i dont often see on figures.
Gives that gracious and realistic feel.

Then we check out her nice rack/front side.


A bit more zoomed in


I love that you see her belly and navel through the suit, its a really tight suit thats easy to tell. And the wrinkles again

The armpits and side boobs are well done.

Zooming in on her boobs

View spoilerHide spoilerhttps://static.myfigurecollection.net/upload/pictures/2019/10/03/2308886.jpeg

Her arms have a sleeve or something?


I dunno for me they could have left it out but its not ugly either.

Then ofc the bunny suit arm scuffs


Looks fine to me.

Zooming in on her hand theres a veey mild gloss on her fingernails, very subtle.


Her hands look so delicate and thin.

Lets move on to the rear end and bunny tail!

View spoilerHide spoilerhttps://static.myfigurecollection.net/upload/pictures/2019/10/03/2308891.jpeghttps://static.myfigurecollection.net/upload/pictures/2019/10/03/2308890.jpeg

Yeah she has a nice well shaped butt,not much to add. The tail looks a bit unrealistic and could use more details to give it that fluffyness. Or an actual plush tail would be cool too i think.

Lets take a look at her lovely long shaped legs


The real stockings i like though i wish it didnt have that huge black “seam” where its coming together. Or at least a bit less obvious and thick.

Taking a look at the shoes as well


A bit more zoomed in


Yeah i love the pumps she's wearing and i love the color too.
I mean purple suits her, her ship has purple decals too and she wears this color in the serie as well.

To show you how big she is, this is how she looks next to her counterpart which is 1/8 size


So overall, not much thats wrong with the sculpt and paint aside from really minor things so even unbiased i cant give her less than 9/10 for both.

Well she has no base so i guess i wont be reviewing that and we immediatly move on to the box.

- box

I got her second hand and sadly her box had some dents which weren't mentioned :(
But it protected the figure so im really happy! And cant rate it poorly for functionality.
Just like the figure, her box is huge!
To give you an idea i made the pictures on top of a chair


You can see the overall picture of kongou, you know what you get. The window is huge, which usually means fragileness, but in this case it worked out.

Sides show kongou from both angles

Theres not much about it and theres a lot of window so 8/10
Cause it's huge and had too much window but aside from that, no issues.

- enjoyment

Shes my favorite shipgirl and theres not much made of her, must say she became an instant favorite!
Sexy,alluring yet has that serious look on her that befits her.
Not too sexualised either which is good as the serie wasnt ecchi.
So yeah i fell for her and atm i would say shes a 9/10
2,848 hits • 2 likes7 comments




Mylene Tokisaki Kurumi
She is one of does bunny figure u gotta have. She is beautiful...
3 years ago
Chloe-tsundere3 years ago#68117221Thanks! well there are some more bunnies I'd like in the future aside from kongou and erina but yeah have to think of space sadly and the boxes are huge haha

Yeah the bunnies are beautiful and hell yeah the boxes are huge. Take123 has a great collection of bunnies.A few in his that I wish I had.. but back in the day 2012 I had a rule no 1/4 scale and I made a point not to break that till 2014 ( rules are meant to be broken ) So by June 2020 I will be the owner of 21 bunnies. That is if I do not fined some of the ones I have on my wish list at a decent price.

Enjoy the bunny hunt

= )

3 years ago
Chloe-tsundere The louise otaku
Xellos3 years ago#68111225Awesome and very detailed figure. Glad that you finally got her. She's very detailed, sexy and gorgeous. :3

Indeed she is and yes im very happy too as she has been on my priority list for a while now!

Moeromoero3 years ago#68171113That picture of your home looks good. Do you have an artistic set up?

Thanks. What do you mean by artistic set up?
If i have art in my home? Yes i do :)
Or you mean if i dont only have detolfs or similar closets?
That as well as i like to use my kallax closet and use 16 squares one with 8 fillee with figs and other 8 for storage with baskets ^^

As for the picture thats in my bedroom, its the top of the bed :) thats where shes standing atm
3 years ago
That picture of your home looks good. Do you have an artistic set up?
3 years ago
Chloe-tsundere The louise otaku
Tiamat263 years ago#68111228Welcome to the bunny collecting... Rabbit hole if ever I saw one !!!! Great and very detailed article with lots of pics
= )

Thanks! well there are some more bunnies I'd like in the future aside from kongou and erina but yeah have to think of space sadly and the boxes are huge haha
3 years ago
Welcome to the bunny collecting... Rabbit hole if ever I saw one !!!! Great and very detailed article with lots of pics

= )

3 years ago
Awesome and very detailed figure. Glad that you finally got her. She's very detailed, sexy and gorgeous. :3
3 years ago

About this blog

My blogs are often diary entries about whatever is playing part in my collecting style or interest. Or anything louise haha. Loot blogs and reviews are also part of what i love sharing

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