
What is the most trouble you went though for a figure?What is the most trouble you went though for a figure?Polls

fleurjoysfleurjoys1 year ago
I was thinking about one of my first purchases which was the ITEM #72336 Sawako Kuronama KNT Nendoroid and how difficult she was to purchase overall.

I had been searching EBay everyday with no results popping up. I was posting ISO’s on sites like Depop and any other site that allowed you do to do. I was putting in buy requests on Neokyo, only for the Nendoroid to be snatched up quickly after it was recently listed. I would be searching on Mercari Japan every 15 minutes to see if someone listed this specific Nendoroid. You can say I was dedicated to finding this 4 inch figure from a series I adored heavily. In the end, I found her but it was a months long process.

I don’t know what it was about this specific Nendoroid but she was the one of the hardest in my collection to obtain. Anyone have similar stories to tell?
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ITEM #50619 my ultimate most holy grail, searched forever for them non stop with no luck until a kind soul here sent me an auction link to them. It was my first time using a proxy to bid which was stressful (especially with the different time zones) also the most expensive fig/Gk I've ever bought. Customs was hell , that's over now though thank god(;﹏;). I recently got my first job too n they were the first figs I ever bought w my first paycheck so even though they stressed the hell out of me they're super special n worth it to me(இ﹏இ`。)
1 year ago
I know I never shut up about this figure, but I'm always searching for ITEM #78137.

I always frequent Japanese and English buying and auction sites, and I've found her actually for sale once on eBay for 1000USD. I ADORE this kit, bit I will not be shelling out 1000USD.
1 year ago
i met up with someone from mfc irl for their ITEM #422430 . i went on an (about an) hour long train ride to an area/suburb i’d never been to before and covid-related stuff (restrictions and protocol) made the ordeal a bit difficult. no, i didn’t break the law, things were just in a weird grey area inbetween restrictions being lifted, so the train was really empty and stuff ^-^’

it wasn’t that much trouble really, but it’s technically the most i’ve gone through to get a figure. and hey, there’s a time for everything, and new experiences are good for like.. learning?? i dunno where i’m going with this.
1 year ago
Play arts kai tifa put me through so much misery and it's not solved yet. Months of emails and end up sending her back for a replacement, that was 3 months ago
1 year ago
havent got her, but hunting down ITEM #740288 is pissing me off, especially since her price skyrocketed to fucking saturn in the last month or 2...
1 year ago
Well, native decided to not sell their Kau figure to EU. And the aftermarket is insane for that guy. Not only that, but id have to pay shipping and customs to import him to the EU making him over 400+ dollars in total. So i decided to buy the official garage kit version of him (which was released before the native version) and paint it myself. I've never painted a kit, but im willing to do it just for Kau. Damn you Kau.
1 year ago
skylinedo BANNED
Seems to be tie between OCD-fueled, insomniatic searching. And waking up just before 18:00 JST to check ami preowned ... without alarm clock ... just SHEER willpower

skylinedo1 year ago#102989581https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/000/073/Picture_3.jpg
Whelp, this is random ... I've been wanting the high tension face ITEM #368441 for quite some time. I check ami preowned whenever I can and yes, I did check last night. Checked just now b/c last night did not have any updates and saw Rory still in stock, clicked to check for high tension face as always and VIOLA HIGH TENSION FACE listed in description. Listing running FUCKING slow as shit oh no. Tons of people probably look/confirming high tension faceplate. (Site had no problems JUST this listing).
Quick, open a diff browser and paste listing and click buy ritual to the very end. Ami preown can be fucking random as hell
1 year ago
ITEM #16264, I searched for him on and off for probably about 5 years, a lot of trouble for a trading figure but I'm very happy to have him :)
1 year ago
ITEM #675949, Aniplex Zero Two. Spent short of two years, five failed attempts, to get her. Now she is my display's crown jewel. :)
1 year ago
Still not a success story, but I've even supposedly bought this item a few times (ITEM #719981) only to discover it's NOT the limited Wonfes version.
1 year ago

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