
Cute, but SO ANNOYING!Cute, but SO ANNOYING!Polls

AtsunomeAtsunome1 year ago
Hi MFC, a question mixed with a mini rant roday!

What’s that one figure which you love, but is such a pain to set up / maintain.

For me it has to be my Snow Miku 2020 Nendoroid (ITEM #821402) who is absolutely adorable, but ABSOLUTELY INFURIATING to set up.

See, this Nendoroid seems fine on the surface, but if you’ve owned her at any point, you know how ridiculously fragile she is.

You try to put her on her stand, and since it doesn’t fit very well, you accidentally knock her hat off trying to adjust it!

Then, while you’re putting her hat back on, one of the little ribbon things falls off of her dress!

So, as you’re awkwardly trying to cram your hand behind her giant twintails, the horn she’s holding falls off!

Trying to put that back onto the very small connection point will almost always result in her entire hand falling off, and a huge amount of frustration.

Not to mention the fact that Yukine doesn’t seem to want to go on his stand, so you have to spend a great deal of time putting that part together.

I’m not even exaggerating, it took me well over 30 minutes just to get her into this pose: PICTURE #2852780

So yeah, cute Nendoroid, but INFURIATING to set up.

I mostly just keep her in this pose PICTURE #2765394 now, because it’s the least likely to spontaneously fall apart.

So yeah, that was my answer! Thank you for reading!

Do you have any figures like this, if so, please share them in the comments!
2,907 hits • 3 likes51 comments

Do you have any figures that you love, but are infuriating to set up? Votes are public

21%Yes, so many! ;-;
69%Yes, not many though.
4%No, I used to, but they were too annoying to keep.
6%No, thankfully I never have.
222 votes


lifewithfigures1 year ago#102955989ITEM #287727. Absolutely ITEM #287727. If I even breathe in the same room as him, he falls apart. He's adorable, but damn is he a pain (And no, he isn't a bootleg. Bought him new from AmiAmi a few years ago).

I feel you! I have this problem with all the Fire Emblem nendoroids, but Marth is probably the worst ;A;

ITEM #166616 her arrow is a pain to put in her bow... every now and them I am tempted to glue it on the bow... I think one day I will do it! XD
1 year ago
Nendoroids (and Petits) in general are a pain in the ass, but my most recent one was so hard to put together. It's ITEM #1019603 and I love her, but she is such a pain. Her hair is too heavy for her and although I love her type of body, it's very easy to destroy a pose, because it easily moves in a way you don't want to. Bonus: The eyepatch rubs off on her faceplates at the forehead. At least you can't see it.

The worst fucking pain I ever had with a scale was ITEM #805856's base. I love her to death, she is nearly perfect, but her base is a fucking nightmare. You can read the comments under her entry to see all forms of problems with her base, but for me the pegs were so hard to put in and I was really scared to either break them or the mirror base and I dread the day I have to disassemble it. She was still worth every penny and I still recommend going through this pain for her.
I love how someone didn't even dare putting the main peg all the way in and just left the other out in her newest pic: picture/2896349...
1 year ago
Atavistic1 year ago#102933868Tohka has long hair and a lot of awkward, loose parts to mess with, Kurumi isn't too bad but getting her guns at a good angle is tedious, but Yoshino is where the real problems lie: the Yoshinon hand piece is pretty loose and can fall off as you're trying to put her together, the ears can be kind of finicky to get at symmetrical angles, but the worst is her tail. It's a small, ultra-thin piece of plastic that has to go in the bottom of her back below where the stand arm goes in, and you have to be very patient and careful to not break it as you try to get it in and you also have to be careful not to knock it back out when you're attaching the stand arm, cos good luck getting it back in when you do.

Big agree on the Yoshino nendo. I have it too and it was very annoying to pose her.
1 year ago
ITEM #806130 The way you put her fans in her hands is just straight up stupid. The pegs are awful and they fall off with the slightest movement. Otherwise it's such a nice fig
1 year ago
ITEM #46004 You have to put her bow together in her hand and not only is it kinda hard to see what you're doing, but you need to push the parts together in a way that doesn't feel right. Her torso and legs also need to be pushed together quite hard, otherwise she'll be wobbly. I can forgive these things though, as she's one of my favourite figures I own.
I'm not sure why ITEM #9365 is classified as prepainted, she's way closer to a trading figure because she's very small and comes in many parts. All my older trading figures will crumble if you look at them wrong, but this one's the worst by far. You have to push the tail in first, then manoeuvre the left side of her hair behind it and the right side over it to pop her head on, and then try and push the tail in securely from behind the hair, which is an impossible task because the tail socket is so loose. Truly infuriating.
1 year ago
ITEM #287164 is super frustrating to set up!! She was actually my first ever figure so I love her, but man she is a pain to pose. I like displaying her with her motorcycle but if I so much as touch her she falls apart ;u; I literally have to use blu-tac to keep her in place! lmao
tbh all nendoroids are annoying to set up, which is mostly why I've stopped buying them..
1 year ago
ITEM #594283, Phat Company Shuvi, is a pain when it comes to her red weaponized arm; pops out non-stop. Her leg-wing I don't bother with, not out of difficulty, but because I barely see it in my display. I also omit her circuits/wires that are meant to twist around her. Too much going on aesthetically and I'm afraid I'll accidentally tug on it and capsize the figure. A straight-forward assembly but much of it I find pointless and therefor difficult.

ITEM #675949, Aniplex Zero Two, was hard to get on the base for the places for her feet go being too far apart, but by design. Very nerve-wracking, making it difficult in a way, to space her legs enough.
1 year ago
my 2018 magical mirai miku nendo is a pain to set up. i really wanna change the pose she's in now to more match the scale but those ribbons on her arms come off so easily and are a pain to reattach and have them stay that i just don't mess with her ever
1 year ago
I always end up struggling with ITEM #423597 for a few minutes before I can get her to do what I want. Sometimes when I want to make her sit on her moon, I've put her down and come back the next day because I was going mad :'D Even though I use blu tack to keep her butt on, her sleeves and hair still get in the way. She is GORGEOUS though. I love her. She's worth the pain.

Another one is ITEM #689124 (yep, Miku again). This one, her hands, accessories, etc. are really easy to put together but oh God, her hair. Her head is SO HEAVY. If I don't support her hair somehow, her head tilts back and it really makes me worry about maintaining the neck joint :s And they always get in the way when I'm trying to pose her, as if her huge-ass dress isn't big enough.

Miku, I love you, but do something about your hair. lol.
1 year ago
As a multi nendoroid owner, I have several little guys that are cute but a pain to put together. The most recent culprit is Ruby Rose ITEM #1047039. I gave up trying to recreate official poses and ended up doing my own thing with her. Now that I think abut it, I never particularly looked forward to putting my SNK nendos in action poses and haven't done so in a long time lol. But other than that, I love setting up poses, hence the majority of my collection. Some are just definitely harder to set up than others.
1 year ago

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Hi there! I’m Atsunome, and I just love to write! I do a variety of articles ranging from casual ask MFCs to detailed reviews! I hope you’ll enjoy reading what I’ve written!

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