
~ Garage Kit Haul + Archiving :3 ~~ Garage Kit Haul + Archiving :3 ~Loot

dinosoredinosore1 month ago
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I decided to treat myself recently and splurged on a bunch of garage kit's on manda, I absolutely adore all of them and i'm super excited to build them eventually (๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)

I mainly wanted to write this article for documentation purposes because I got a few kits that I coudln't find any information about aside from the manda page and the kits themselves (´。• ᵕ •。`) I'll make entries for them and hope I don't mess up lol ?

without further ado ~ here are da babies ~

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First one is ITEM #358029 Asahi Sakurai, by T's System and Takeshi Miyagawa (whom I adore when it comes to sculpts and designs!)


It was love at first SIGHT with this kit and I honestly did NOT expect her to be as big as she was... Like the girl is HUGE. What I loved about her was her outfit, I haven't seen any figures with cute overalls before and ! She comes with a beret as well? Which i'm confused about because her box art doesn't show her wearing one. I'm really excited to put her together one day ^-^

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ITEM #24206
Next up is Tamase Miki, I just loved her pose, expression and outfit so much! I thought she would be,,, bigger though, like not that big but also not that tiny either LOL ..


She's listed as 1/8th but is actually like 3" almost .. not what I would imagine a 1/8th would be

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Now for the kits that aren't submitted on mfc!

This one is my absolute favorite ! She looks so cute and dorky with her huge forehead and funky hair ( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و ♡ I couldn't NOT get her. The information on manda just says she's from Waku Waku Zoo, which I couldn't find any info on, but it might be the sculptor's/circle name? :( I'd appreciate it if anyone has any leads~ She's called Osuwari Elise / Sitting Elise.


She comes with a cushion is well which is so adorable lol

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Mitsuki-tan by Koeda-db/Takako ? ITEM #1716674 Found her !! I didn't realize the name of the origin was on the box.. I fully thought she was an oc oopsie. She's also kinda tiny, all these gk's are tiny it's kinda cute hehe;


I love her outfit and garterbelt I wasn't sur what she would look like until she reached but I like the sitting pose! Also the circle's art style and sculpt is really adorable.

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Last but not least,, the filthiest kit I have ever laid eyes upon.. I adore pinky street so much so when I saw this kit I thought you know.. why not esp bc it looked really cute. I just did not expect it to actually be so filthy LOL There's like.. so much gunk??? stuck in the crevices of the kit,, I didn't wanna touch it at all but I had to take photos LOL

It's going to need so much work but.. the price for cute gk's amiright? I actually don't know what the source is on this one either? The kit is tagged under "Killing Time" on manda, and it's called "Time Killing Change of Clothes Parts Pajamas" ???


I think the circle is called Aku/hoc12a, at least that's what's on the paper tag. I actually did manage to hunt down the sculptor ~ I only managed to find one source image of the GK though, which is making me assume it's an oc? and might have been just named after the outfit?

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That's the last of the kits I got ~ I also got a kit of Multi that I didn't quite identify yet since she came with nothing but bubble wrap but I got too lazy to take photos of her since I forgot lol.

I'll make listings for things later and try my best to find the sources :> So if anyone has leads or any info.. although I do like hunting and looking for things.. real sleuthing hours.

Thanks for reading if you did lol :> I had fun writing this and finding some sources as i went~

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Love looking at old kits! I also love T's System, I recently won an auction for this cutie ITEM #510485 .
1 month ago
yaiba1 month ago#124356577The Waku Waku Zoo (circle) figure is Elisiss from Eden's Bowy.
PS: Also check out the vndb entry for Sakurai to see her iconic look with hat and glasses.

Thank you so much !!!! You just solved this mystery for me hehe kinda crazy how the source material's name was nowhere to be found on either the pamphlet or manda :] I made her her own page too thanks to your info! ;u; also ! Sakurai's look with the glasses and hat is actually so cute i didn't expect to likee it since i'm not a big fan of glasses oops

magicant1 month ago#124350231omg!!! i'd love to see an update when they're painted especially the last one, old obscure gks are the most interesting figures to research

ahhh yes omg i love researching anything that's obscure but especially when they're old obscure gks.. its so fun. I'm currently building my first two GK's right now so I'm going to hopefully start on the rest soon enough :'> I'll eventually post everything tho bc i'm excited to share hehe

purpurinas1 month ago#124350096So cool!! I love those “obscure” Gk’s ^^ gl with them

Thank you! Me too :'> I love finding them, they always look so fun and interesting to put together too!

shroomiku1 month ago#124345525:D

1 month ago
The Waku Waku Zoo (circle) figure is Elisiss from Eden's Bowy.

PS: Also check out the vndb entry for Sakurai to see her iconic look with hat and glasses.
1 month ago
omg!!! i'd love to see an update when they're painted especially the last one, old obscure gks are the most interesting figures to research
1 month ago
So cool!! I love those “obscure” Gk’s ^^ gl with them
1 month ago
1 month ago