
Good Food or more Figures? Good Sleep and Impulsive PurchasesGood Food or more Figures? Good Sleep and Impulsive PurchasesPolls

TyjosAzariTyjosAzari9 days ago
Well right now in a Lull with collecting.

Picked up what should be the last few things for this month and today has been off to a good start securing a lot that had parts I needed for 2 Star Wars playsets and a part for one of the Action Fleet vehicles that was just gotten [Blaster cannon for an X-Wing] that will complete that.

Also picked up one more Lightsaber for the collection since the first time around trying to get the Anakin/Luke FX Lightsaber didn't work out cause the seller screwed up with shipping this time around should get this one faster and that is the last of the Lightsabers needed for the collection.

It's getting to where there will be more lulls in collecting ahead.

These short breaks between things arriving and picking up items help to make one appreciate and enjoy the latest pickups.

I'm already feeling that temptation to pick up a few more things but feel have gotten enough, got 9 Packages in the past 2 days that should be enough but still have more on the way at least 8 more packages will be coming in over the next week.

After buying the lot of playset parts for the Hoth and Yavin IV sets this morning normally would be tempted to search out more ships and playsets but this where the breaks get put on that. -my budget can handle this easy just means nothing else for a bit so no more going out for the next week unless it's for Groceries or Eating out!


With what is coming in have to unplug the mind from looking for anything else and that can be difficult when one has been scoring great deals on almost everything and that little high you get from getting lots of deals and having more goodies coming in can be very dangerous.

Thank goodness sleep helps me get the mind back to sensible thinking and finding Sleep has been the best thing to help restore control over one's impulses.

One thing that's a constant I've seen with fellow collectors is after a long time of not having Impulsive Purchases suddenly you'll start making a few as if you need to satiate that desire to get something that wasn't planned for or just something you felt like getting after not doing that for a long time.

No matter who you are as a Collector sooner or later we all make Impulsive Purchases.

Getting good restful sleep is the best thing to do during these lulls plus getting good sleep is the best thing for your health these days.


The next 2-3 weeks are always when it's the most dangerous for Impulsive Spending MFC, once everything gets in there's that temptation to check for other things and after having a good meal out the other day finding the best motivator for not doing impulsive spending is when you want a good meal and make sure you've got money for that instead of spending it on something else.


I don't eat Ramen that much but Ramen does sound good, would love to go to the Chinese Buffet again and there is a great little Chinese Restaurant a short drive from home been a while since I had Udon Noodles....

Finding myself thinking about Food more often these days than Figures even though we have a fully stocked Freezer/Refrigerator and Pantry you just gotta have a good meal out every so often.


Starting to get Hungry just thinking about this MFC lol


Feels like Food Really is a good way to counter that temptation to Impulsive spend on another item for the collection.


So does Food help you rethink getting anything else for your collection MFC?


Starting to feel like I'm one of those Anime Characters who gets distracted by food easy lol


Gotta have Tacos next....Haven't had Tacos in about a week's time gotta get Ground Beef out of the Freezer to thaw that out


Feeling a growing craving for Chinese Food and Tacos.

So MFC what would be your choice?

More good food or another figure?
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Good Food or More Figures?

89 votes


With 100 bucks you can get some amazing jumbo stone crab claws in Florida. It only cost 1 figure
8 days ago
I'm making sure I eat well at least three times a week I really enjoy good meal of fancy sushi
But sometimes I only eat two meals in a day and it's not healthy behavior and bring my homemade food with me
8 days ago
diamondburst199 days ago#125366266I cook at home and take advantage of the BOGO deals from Publix and the cost effective groceries from Aldi and Kroger in the states. People say that eating healthy is expensive but honestly it’s cheaper than eating out when you buy groceries and take advantage of specials While I agree with you. It's so frustrating as a tired worker and your siblings don't want to pitch in. Sometimes it's ok to cheat and buy TV dinners.

If only I was a remote worker or lived with a boyfriend...
8 days ago
None of my figures are coming too soon and I've been craving wings and pizza for a month or so...
9 days ago
I cook at home and take advantage of the BOGO deals from Publix and the cost effective groceries from Aldi and Kroger in the states. People say that eating healthy is expensive but honestly it’s cheaper than eating out when you buy groceries and take advantage of specials
9 days ago
As I sit here waiting for my Cup Noodle to soften, I say with full awareness of my hypocrisy that you should always prioritize good health over material possessions. (Though I'm not in this situation because I spent too much on figures, lol. I just had a craving.)
9 days ago
i'm at a weird crossroads, because i love good food, but i'm very introverted and don't like going out. i've chosen more figures over food for the past few years (i eat great homemade meals, i'm just not one to go out and get dinner with friends or whatever). plus, sometimes those nice restaurant prices give me a bigger heart attack than my $300+ figure preorders LOL. like, what do you mean i'm paying $50 for a steak that will disappear to my stomach within 15 minutes?

jokes aside though, my current favorite meals to eat are garlic sesame chicken, fettucine alfredo (has been a favorite of mine since i was small), and beef or chicken stir fry with broccoli, baby corn, bell peppers, and carrots. i'm fortunate i haven't had to cook too much, because, despite being 22, i still live with my dad and he loves to cook

oh! and while not fancy food, i LOVE soup. just canned grocery store soup. broccoli cheese, minestrone, tomato (especially with a grilled cheese), and loaded potato are my favorites
9 days ago
I'm now working overtime. So, sadly no time to cook. But working in a Hispanic community. The lunch ladies always cook good Mexican food.

I went to my childhood neighborhood Safeway days ago. They have really big deli sandwiches for $8! Definitely beats what Walmart offers.

Also, I haven't had their cafe brand soup in a very long time. The tomato basil bisque is my all time favorite processed tomato basil soup. I don't really like the ones in the cans like from Progresso.
9 days ago
I LOVE Tacos, Nachos too. I actually just placed an order for a giant nacho platter lol. It's ok to treat yourself to some comfort food on occasion.

I do need to make a grocery trip soon so I can buy stuff to prepare my meals for the week. Screw figures, go food! I still like figures, though, but, come on, FOOD is FOOD!
9 days ago

but if you can't have both then food.
Partner is a great cook so the food one is easy

Got to be good food though to make it worth doing
9 days ago

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My Blogs are personal logs/diaries to help keep track of my Collection and to spread positive energy here at MFC!


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