
Comments ♡ Help Me Choose A 1/4 Asuna! ♡

ARA050211 hours ago#125715890They’re both beautiful figures. I personally lean forwards the knights of the blood oath tho.
I think another thing that may help you choose is space. The first one her pose is nice but she’ll take up a lot more space than the second one.

I've definitely been really debating due to space
7 hours ago
TenshuOnmei13 hours ago#125695167Asuna Knights of the Blood Oath > Classic pose and full gear, love it!
Negligee > Might tempt you to buy the other ones to complete the set. :P

The blood oath speaks to me ❤️
7 hours ago
GrandDynamo13 hours ago#125695144Perhaps not an answer to your question. But what about ITEM #1765900 ? It is a large amount pricier tho. But to give an actual answer on the question between the two. I personally like the knights of the blood oath more (I don't own either). I am currently also keeping an eye on the release of the 1/4 nightwear release ITEM #1782039.

I have seen that Asuna but I really didn't like it due to the fact a part of her outfit isn't even colored in and it just didn't feel like Asuna to me...I've been keeping a close eye on ITEM #1709841 its not 1/4 but this is a perfect figure of Asuna in her unlimite goddess form.
7 hours ago
They’re both beautiful figures. I personally lean forwards the knights of the blood oath tho.
I think another thing that may help you choose is space. The first one her pose is nice but she’ll take up a lot more space than the second one.
11 hours ago
First one!
12 hours ago
idk asuna's character & ive never watched SAO but first one is superior.
12 hours ago
I'm not a massive SAO Fan (personally I think its a bit over hated but I don't love it) however what I do like is figures. I have to say, if I was a bigger SAO fan, that Knights of the Blood Oath Asuna would 100% be in my collection. She looks really well sculpted in my opinion.
12 hours ago
TenshuOnmei Hello, World!
Asuna Knights of the Blood Oath > Classic pose and full gear, love it!

Negligee > Might tempt you to buy the other ones to complete the set. :P
13 hours ago
That knights of the blood oath version is spectacular
13 hours ago
Perhaps not an answer to your question. But what about ITEM #1765900 ? It is a large amount pricier tho. But to give an actual answer on the question between the two. I personally like the knights of the blood oath more (I don't own either). I am currently also keeping an eye on the release of the 1/4 nightwear release ITEM #1782039.
13 hours ago