
MFC Translation TeamMFC Translation TeamMisc

NekoNick10 years ago#1652983Thanks for inviting me! :D I'll do my best as a reviewer!
*Am I able to make changes as a reviewer? Or should I just inform the designated translators?
Thanks for your care to help. As a reviewer you can't make changes but you can suggest them to the regular translator(s).
10 years ago
Thanks for inviting me! :D I'll do my best as a reviewer!

*Am I able to make changes as a reviewer? Or should I just inform the designated translators?
10 years ago
4Arnd 4ア一ンド
We haven't found anyone for Korean translations yet?
10 years ago
4Arnd 4ア一ンド
Fred4rk10 years ago#1586592Question
We don't have plural forms in Indonesian, so do I have to put it in this form
[{1} entr{{1}:y:ies}] (is this a code mistake?)

I've answered in the forum :D club/253/discus...

Please ask your questions there.
10 years ago
kumasanmk10 years ago#1586391Please read the forums.
We don't have plural forms in Indonesian, so do I have to put it in this form
[{1} entr{{1}:y:ies}] (is this a code mistake?)
10 years ago
Fred4rk10 years ago#1586275subscribed and joined here. Can someone please give me any idea where I can start? :)Please read the forums.
10 years ago
4Arnd 4ア一ンド
Fred4rk10 years ago#1586275subscribed and joined here. Can someone please give me any idea where I can start? :)

Hello Fred4rk and welcome to the translation team. :-)

It is quite easy actually, have a look at the last post in the Update Notification thread. Kuma placed a link in there, which shows the translation tool. I believe it is pretty self explanatory, but if you need any pointers, feel free to drop me a line.
10 years ago
subscribed and joined here. Can someone please give me any idea where I can start? :)
10 years ago
4Arnd 4ア一ンド
Subscribed to update thread. Thank you kuma! :-)
11 years ago
Done ^^

Just a little thing (not TL related), but in email notifications, the msg below has a minor error:

"Edit your mailing settings if you I don't want to get these emails anymore."

There's an "I" that shouldn't be there.
11 years ago