
Comments I get nervous when i look at my collection

I know what you mean, I've had those thoughts many times before too.
I also wanted so badly to carry some of my collection with me (mostly nendoroids though lol) but never dared to. (Because; what if I lose that one thing I care about? What if one of its arms/ legs / extra's goes missing!?)
Welp I've discovered that life is fleeting and everything will pass or perish one day, might as well enjoy it all now while it's here no? :>
And ever since I came to realize that and my thoughts finally went 'ah well might as well enjoy this' I now nowadays carry around my nendoroid ITEM #1050729 everywhere with me, it's a lot of fun 8D
22 hours ago
No things last forever, even we will vanish someday.
1 day ago
Think of it as a way out, a new beginning, fresh start.

I'm of two minds about my collection. I love my figs. I still collect and I have no regrets but there is a part of me that does feel a little trapped. I keep seeing things I like/want and my collection keeps growing. I need more cabinets.

If something tragic were to happen, I'd be upset at first and would try to recover what I could from insurance but I also look at it as a new lease or outlook on life, maybe start a new hobby.
1 day ago
Vhaagar Shadow Lord
I feel this so hard, because, well, I literally have lost my entire collection... twice. ^^; The first time was in 2013, a year after I started the hobby - my parents passed, and I ended up losing everything I had (including my decent number of figures), and then again in 2017 when I had to secretly leave an abusive relationship and had to leave everything except essentials behind (my collection was smaller [10 figures] at the time but it still sucked).
So, I'm no stranger to losing everything I have, and I admit that even after I came into a more stable situation, I was paranoid for years about buying anything beyond what I immediately needed.

...I'm sure my story doesn't reassure you, LOL. But, I guess in the end I've learned lessons, and luckily in more normal situations you can at least try and sell off some of your figures before you lose them. And, as my own story has shown, you can literally lose everything but one day gain more, and better. You've gotta find peace knowing that shit can and might happen at any moment. (: I'm rebuilding my collection now and I'm a lot happier with how it is versus 10 years ago!
1 day ago
Hah, we humans do worry about the silliest of things. I don't worry about damage, but I sometimes worry about my parents opinion of me due to my lewd figures. It's so dumb to worry about something that makes you happy, but alas we still do, because it means a lot to us. Usually exposure to the issue helps, but I doubt you want to take a figure and smash it on the ground to realize it's not a problem haha. Well, try mindful thinking, catching your thoughts. Everytime you catch yourself thinking that way, realize it, make a funny remark like "there you go brain!" and move on. It's similar to "what if" anxiety. Catching yourself, making light of the situation, acknowlidging it without negative feelings all really help. Try to be an impartial observant, or think about it positively. Fear is fed by negativity. When you change to positive thoughts whenever you feel fear, it disappears, and the appearance of fear thoughts lessens until they go away.
1 day ago
Panda_Roll1 day ago#125649305She was a teen at the time so all I got was some lip. But no, didn't buy a single piece of crystal anything after that. If anything one of my main concerns regarding figures is how fragile they are, I tended to go more "durable" after that shock XD
But life is short, it's best to enjoy what you have while it's there. :)

Oh teenagers!
Guess we were all that way once /\
Very true and touching sentiment :) I try to follow that advice as best I can, especially with my collection~
(which you have a lovely one btw!⁠✧⁠*⁠。)

Thanks for taking the time to answer my many questions! You're great
1 day ago
SpicyLeche1 day ago#125649302Noooo I'm so sorry!
Did your sister apologize or just brush it off?
Either way it's unfortunate (⁠╯⁠︵⁠╰⁠,⁠)
I'm guessing you never picked up crystal figurines after that? (Sorry if that's too personal!! You don't have to answer.)

She was a teen at the time so all I got was some lip. But no, didn't buy a single piece of crystal anything after that. If anything one of my main concerns regarding figures is how fragile they are, I tended to go more "durable" after that shock XD

But life is short, it's best to enjoy what you have while it's there. :)
1 day ago
Panda_Roll2 days ago#125628119When I was younger I travel a lot for work. As a souvenior I'd always bring back a crystal figurine. This started to extend to events and special occasions, just a little crystal figurine to remember it by.
After almost a decade of this it somehow turned into a large collection on top of my work shelf. Because I wasn't consious of it they just accumilatted over there... then one day my little sister decided to get a cat!
I came back from work one day to find the furball licking her paws in the middle of all the carnage and giving me the "whatya gonna do about it hmmmmm" look. Could have strangled the thing right then and there!
Long story short, shit happens and life goes on. No use worrying about it until it does, just makes sure the cabinate or shelf is secure and away from sunlight. For anything else, what will be will be. Enjoy it while it's still there :D

Noooo I'm so sorry!
Did your sister apologize or just brush it off?

Either way it's unfortunate (⁠╯⁠︵⁠╰⁠,⁠)
I'm guessing you never picked up crystal figurines after that? (Sorry if that's too personal!! You don't have to answer.)
1 day ago
Talal2 days ago#125635832I had over 150 scaled figures and total worth over 20000 USD and one day I decided for mini vacation for 3 days only . During my vacation my mother destroyed all my figures . It is like a needle in my heart .what to do shit happens .

If it's not too personal,
What happened between you and your mother after that?
How is your relationship now?

I can't even imagine that happening to me and my collection, my heart goes out to you (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
1 day ago
As someone who has already experienced a major earthquake, the possibility of my collection being damaged or destroyed is always at the back of my mind.
It's also a major reason why I stay the hell away from resins (that and my sheer clumsiness ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ )
But aside from that, I love my figures, and I don't think I could ever stop collecting, so I refuse to let it affect me.

Things can always happen, but it's not guaranteed that they will.

You will probably always be a little worried about the safety of your treasure trove. But I can say from experience that as long as you keep enjoying it, a little bit of worry is a small price to pay for the happiness it brings you.
(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡

1 day ago