
Comments Muntoe's Garage Kit Compendium Part 1: Background and Supplies

Thank you so much for keeping this guide up all these years! Pinning has been the one thing keeping me from starting to make garage kits because I didn’t understand how to keep it glued, so the tips in this help a lot!
5 months ago
VERY helpful. Thanks a lot.
I am considering buying a kit I really, really want.
But the whole thing sounds super complex and difficult.
Plus, I do not know if I have the art talent to paint the figure properly without looking like a potatoe at the end.
I wish there were Garage Kit weekend courses where someone provides all the equipment and you can practice and get feedback and tips...
1 year ago
I just ordered my first kit, thanks a lot for the guide. I was actually wondering how to get that shiny plug suite look, and you mentioned the different kinds of sealers, and now I get it.
1 year ago
This is so awesome! Muntoe, you are wise!!!!!!
2 years ago
Yo has anyone tried clearing mold release with stuff like this dollfie.ec.volk...
2 years ago
I always find something in this thread that I forgot to order previously ffs
2 years ago
I do realize you asked the question six months ago but you can just use non-scented dishwashing soap like Palmolive or whatever.
3 years ago
does anybody know what can i get in Spain for cleaning the mold release?
3 years ago
Muntoe Lover of cacti ♡꒰*・ω・
senjougayhara3 years ago#66447453Thank you so much for this! I'm really wanting to get into building garage kits but had no idea where to even begin, this is absolutely getting bookmarked so I can continue referring back to it once I finally pick out my first kit to begin with, thank you again!So happy to hear this guide will help you out! Feel free to send me a PM if you have any questions not covered and I'd be happy to answer :)
3 years ago
Thank you so much for this! I'm really wanting to get into building garage kits but had no idea where to even begin, this is absolutely getting bookmarked so I can continue referring back to it once I finally pick out my first kit to begin with, thank you again!
3 years ago