
Comments How important is scale and correct scaling to you?

Linkeatbanana20 hours ago#125688841This is another problem with scaling. Character heights are sometimes afterthoughts that someone who's not the designer makes up afterwards. The Evangelion characters are a notorious example. That height just makes no sense with her body proportions, especially those long legs. 143cm is the average height for a nine to ten year-old.
Problem with that figure in particular is that she's noticeably smaller than other recent 1/7 Evangelion figures, or 1/7 in general. Hence, while technically the height fits the scale, her proportions don't. It's obvious when putting her next to other 1/7 figures.

143 cm doesn't seems wrong for asian standard at that time, eva is old franchise and if i remember correctly the height around that time is the standard
6 hours ago
momo-san1 day ago#125688122I was curious about what scale this figure of Rei actually is from what your comment about her scale size ITEM #1286316
This Alter 1/7 figure is noted as 22cm tall.
Looking online I see that Rei is 143cm tall (EVA Geeks note 142.29cm)
If you run those figures through an online scale converter Rei actually comes out at the larger side of 1/7 scale at 1/6.5 scale.
I've found over my time collecting that actual scales vary between figure manufacturers and for some time now have just accepted that.
This is another problem with scaling. Character heights are sometimes afterthoughts that someone who's not the designer makes up afterwards. The Evangelion characters are a notorious example. That height just makes no sense with her body proportions, especially those long legs. 143cm is the average height for a nine to ten year-old.

Problem with that figure in particular is that she's noticeably smaller than other recent 1/7 Evangelion figures, or 1/7 in general. Hence, while technically the height fits the scale, her proportions don't. It's obvious when putting her next to other 1/7 figures.
20 hours ago
I was curious about what scale this figure of Rei actually is from what your comment about her scale size ITEM #1286316

This Alter 1/7 figure is noted as 22cm tall.
Looking online I see that Rei is 143cm tall (EVA Geeks note 142.29cm)
If you run those figures through an online scale converter Rei actually comes out at the larger side of 1/7 scale at 1/6.5 scale.

I've found over my time collecting that actual scales vary between figure manufacturers and for some time now have just accepted that.

1 day ago
Linkeatbanana1 day ago#125649541Don't know the characters but the bodies look similar, head sizes are very different, though.
Yes, that is what I use as a reference to compare scales between figures
(also hands, feet, sometimes torso length, etc.)
1 day ago
Not that important unless they belong to the same line and same manufacturer.

My example is Nursery Rhyme: ITEM #676338

She's bigger than her master Alice (ITEM #720374) which makes them posing together a bit awkward since in the source material the servant is made in the image of the master size and all :(
1 day ago
WhoBeDaPlaya2 days ago#125648907Good recent example
ITEM #946146 looks a half/full scale larger (ie. ~1/7.5-1/7) than ITEM #675874
Don't know the characters but the bodies look similar, head sizes are very different, though.

lowroller3 days ago#125610551I've found there to be a lot of artistic liberties taken when it comes to figure scaling. I also assume that there are some level of production requirements/limitations/constraints/etc that determine relative figure size. In general, there seems to be a lot of gray area around scales, and I sort of think it's more along the lines of "a 1/x scale is typically this height in cm" more so than "this character is x cm, therefore a 1/7 figure of them will be x/7 cm tall". If that makes sense. In other words - I'm thinking that the scaling is likely more prescriptive than descriptive.
For display purposes, I generally prefer to keep similar scaled figures together for the uniformity of it. However, I will buy figures from pretty much any scale.
Also, to OP: I have a thread dedicated to archiving photos of this very topic. I'm going to add your photos to it.
I didn't know about that thread, thanks for linking. :)
1 day ago
Good recent example
ITEM #946146 looks a half/full scale larger (ie. ~1/7.5-1/7) than ITEM #675874
2 days ago
I don't really mind as most of my collection are not displayed in a scene that canon height is important. I have 1/6, 1/7, and 1/8 all displayed next to each other and it doesn't bother me that they're different sizes. The only thing that bugs me is that ITEM #988138 seems more like a 1/7. She just looks so small compared to my other 1/6s, and I wouldn't care other than that she was kinda pricey so I expected her to be bigger (⁠´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠)
2 days ago
gwendal738-23 days ago#125610605...I could have accepted Yor, but Anya should have had a nendoroid petit/surprise/something... it's just weird having her the same height as Loid and Yor hahahah...
That's the unfortunate case for my Witchblade scales
ITEM #446 is almost as tall as ITEM #311
3 days ago
As I mainly collect nendoroids... they're all the exact same size anyway except for a few who are a hair taller, so it doesn't really matter to me hahaha.

The only time I really want correct scaling is with the Forger family. It's the whole reason why I ended up canceling nendoroid Yor and Anya and just kept Loid, my favorite - I hate that they're the same exact height as Loid. I could have accepted Yor, but Anya should have had a nendoroid petit/surprise/something... it's just weird having her the same height as Loid and Yor hahahah

I'm hoping and praying the Anya prize figure I bought is scaled with the Yor and Loid prize figures I already have.
3 days ago