
Comments Seeking Advice on Figure Repair and Maintenance

bl0ssombunny1 day ago#125675615How about using headlight scratch remover to fill it in with a clear color? It wouldn't have a noticeable color change if it were just the same color as the color underneath the scratch, right?
I'm a bit worried it would damage the figure further tho...
I've never heard of using that, but if you're going to, I'd put a little on a spot you can't see first. Just to check if it'll strip the paint or something weird. I know some glues can do that, so better safe than sorry. Now that I'm thinking about it, UV resin might work well. I know that's how garage kits are fixed, but I haven't seen it on a painted figure. If you have a prize or trading figure you don't care much about, they could always be your test figure
1 day ago
xxjessyqcxx1 day ago#125665712I have the figure ITEM #872910 and one of her ponytail was broken when she arrived.
i drilled a small hole on the ponytail and put a metal pin in it with super glue,
after that I put a little bit of marker on the pin and press it where I wanted to to go so I knew where to drill on her head,
so far it has been a couple of month and with the pin + superglue its holding even if the ponytail is downward against gravity :)

I've heard this solution a lot! Putty is feeling like a really iffy and risky solution, so I'll probably use this pin method -- It seems to be like a smart solution, and not really noticeable!
1 day ago
Emerin1 day ago#125649721Permanent solutions for loose parts tend to be gluing or pining the piece. If you don't want to do that, putting a small amount of museum putty or sticky tack in the joint would reinforce it, but it's not a perfect solution. (And can be annoying to remove, but do-able)
I don't know about filling in scratches, but if you want a removable way to fix the color, I've used chalk pastels and a very tiny brush to apply it with and it's holding up well

How about using headlight scratch remover to fill it in with a clear color? It wouldn't have a noticeable color change if it were just the same color as the color underneath the scratch, right?
I'm a bit worried it would damage the figure further tho...
1 day ago
I have the figure ITEM #872910 and one of her ponytail was broken when she arrived.

i drilled a small hole on the ponytail and put a metal pin in it with super glue,
after that I put a little bit of marker on the pin and press it where I wanted to to go so I knew where to drill on her head,

so far it has been a couple of month and with the pin + superglue its holding even if the ponytail is downward against gravity :)
1 day ago
Permanent solutions for loose parts tend to be gluing or pining the piece. If you don't want to do that, putting a small amount of museum putty or sticky tack in the joint would reinforce it, but it's not a perfect solution. (And can be annoying to remove, but do-able)

I don't know about filling in scratches, but if you want a removable way to fix the color, I've used chalk pastels and a very tiny brush to apply it with and it's holding up well
1 day ago
Rajke Ca Fanatic
This link to MFC handbook can help.


Under figure care/repair you can find some useful tutorials.
Look for the blogs starting with fixing.
There is more than one way to fix this. I recommend looking into the broken polystone tutorial or the broken joint overengineerd edition.
1 day ago
Reiichiru1 day ago#125649443For the ponytail repair, you might find it helpful to check out what the Garage Kit community has to say on it. Hopefully some of them might join the discussion here.. but you could also google for resources on how they install ponytails to their figures. I *think* a lot of GKers end up designing things to be one piece that can't be packed up like pre-painted items can? So the solution may be something permanent.
as for the scratches, I'm not sure. I know for scuffing magic erasers or a soak in soapy water can do the trick.
Some resources on cleaning:
Dancing Queen Cleaning Figure Article
Leosach Removing Stains Article
Oh, did you check through old comments for VN02 Miku? I think that ponytail issue was really common with her. Maybe someone posted a solution?

Thank you so much for your awesome response and helpful suggestions! I really appreciate your willingness to lend a hand and guide me through fixing my figures.

I'll definitely check out the older comments for VN02 Miku! It seems like a common issue, and I bet someone might have already shared a solution there. The Garage Kit community sounds like a creative and knowledgeable bunch, so I'll wait and see if they have something to say about ponytail repairs. Maybe they have some unique ideas since their figures are often designed as one-piece creations.
It also probably is another way to fix it without using the method from the existing article I linked.

I'll also give magic erasers and a gentle soak in soapy water a shot for the scratches. Thanks for those handy tips! And the articles you shared on cleaning figures are going to be super handy.

Once again, I can't express enough how grateful I am for your support, the article links, and your time in helping me out. You're awesome! As soon as the figures arrive, I'll dive into everything you've shared and see what magic I can work on them.

Thanks a million!
1 day ago
For the ponytail repair, you might find it helpful to check out what the Garage Kit community has to say on it. Hopefully some of them might join the discussion here.. but you could also google for resources on how they install ponytails to their figures. I *think* a lot of GKers end up designing things to be one piece that can't be packed up like pre-painted items can? So the solution may be something permanent.

as for the scratches, I'm not sure. I know for scuffing magic erasers or a soak in soapy water can do the trick.
Some resources on cleaning:
Dancing Queen Cleaning Figure Article
Leosach Removing Stains Article

Oh, did you check through old comments for VN02 Miku? I think that ponytail issue was really common with her. Maybe someone posted a solution?
1 day ago