
Comments Earthquake/toppling protection for figures!?

I know this is an old thread, but also wanted to give this option as someone that also can't drill holes in the wall due to how our heating system in the apartment works:

Special wall glue which you 'anchor' the piece of furniture or anchor hook to, so that it's 'glued' against the wall.

Example cdn.s-cloud.fi/...
1 year ago
SmikuSmiku1 year ago#101672951Oh that sounds cool! I didn't even realise that was a thing.
Um, yeah it was more so an article to prevent toppling in general without attaching things to the walls, but I do appreciate the advice!
Yeah look, as much as it is like an easy fix, my landlord has already said no, and I don't wanna step on his toes tbh. He isn't very agreeable and I worry about being kicked out and stuff already because I have one very opionated, self centred roommate who doesn't believe in hygiene or cleanliness haha. So don't wanna risk pissing my landlord off.

Oof, tough call. I wish you the best then!
1 year ago
SmikuSmiku Umbra Witch
Tomas_C1 year ago#101642183This giving me some anxiety because i actually live on a small fault line called 'Feldbissbreuk', one of the few fault lines in the Belgium/The Netherlands with earthquake activity. This one is literally located 200 meters behind my home.
Earthquakes don't happen much here and they are usually small under a magnitude of 4 but in 1992 we had one of magnitude 5,8. I'm from 1997 so haven't experienced any earthquakes, the ones that happened were too small to notice. So i guess i'm pretty safe from bigger earthquakes that would form a danger to my home and figures.
Must be scary to experience a stronger one. I wonder how much detolfs can take before shattering, not topple over but just break into 1000 pieces. Seeing that people in Japan have them i guess they can have some.

Yeah I was having mad anxiety mostly coz earthquakes don't occur here often. But yesh your situation would also be scary coz you never know when a big one could occur anyway. I'm glad you're mostly safe though!

Heck, yeah I get worried about my detolfs shattering all the time haha
1 year ago
SmikuSmiku Umbra Witch
meiimo1 year ago#101604061There is something called Museum Putty that you place under your valuables so they dont tip over and fall. Maybe that is something you want to consider if you are worried about the statue or figure falling down and breaking. But if you get an earthquake that shakes everything really bad, your shelves are going to fall and everything with it, so just keep mindful of that.
And even if it's a rental, just placing some secure brackets for your shelves shouldn't be a problem. If you have something called Spackle, you can fill up holes in the wall. You just have to fill it in and get the same paint as the wall and no one will notice a difference.

Oh that sounds cool! I didn't even realise that was a thing.
Um, yeah it was more so an article to prevent toppling in general without attaching things to the walls, but I do appreciate the advice!

Yeah look, as much as it is like an easy fix, my landlord has already said no, and I don't wanna step on his toes tbh. He isn't very agreeable and I worry about being kicked out and stuff already because I have one very opionated, self centred roommate who doesn't believe in hygiene or cleanliness haha. So don't wanna risk pissing my landlord off.
1 year ago
SmikuSmiku Umbra Witch
Clozdark1 year ago#101603485during the second wave of earthquake(6 magnitude) mine was safe with only circling the base with blue tack to prevent them from shaking too much.

Oh! That's really good to know! Thank you ♡
1 year ago
SmikuSmiku Umbra Witch
chiyara1 year ago#101603979Also from melb- I don't have any advice for your shleves, but I did the exact same thing XD ran straight to my detolfs and held them up lmao

Like glad to know I wasn't the only one that panicked hahaha
Like I know I should of probs got under a desk or outside or something but omg haha I was like "OMG! MY CAT AND MY BAYONETTA SHRINE!"
1 year ago
SmikuSmiku Umbra Witch
Odyssey1 year ago#101604070i can't imagine how much stuff you guys are going through lately. as a south aussie i hope things in melbourne will get better soon!

I feel like Australia in general is going through heaps but heck man, it sure does feel like Melbourne gets the crappy end of things a lot hahah. I hope things are well for you and that your family is safe during this time.
1 year ago
Also in Melbourne, and don't think you have too much to be worried about, although being prudent is never a bad thing. It'd be pretty unlikely for something like that to knock over your collection. Probably prop back your bookcases using little pieces of cardboard at the front of the bookcase/display cabinet and lean them backwards towards the wall.
1 year ago
Socal resident so I do know the fear of your collection ending up on the ground do to an earthquake. As you mentioned attaching the shelves to the wall is the #1 thing to do. Since you are in a rental I would say talk to your landlord and see if they will allow you to do that, they may say yes. For the figures themselves, it really comes down to size and the sturdiness of the base. You might consider using archival tape as that should not interact with anything.
1 year ago
This giving me some anxiety because i actually live on a small fault line called 'Feldbissbreuk', one of the few fault lines in the Belgium/The Netherlands with earthquake activity. This one is literally located 200 meters behind my home.

Earthquakes don't happen much here and they are usually small under a magnitude of 4 but in 1992 we had one of magnitude 5,8. I'm from 1997 so haven't experienced any earthquakes, the ones that happened were too small to notice. So i guess i'm pretty safe from bigger earthquakes that would form a danger to my home and figures.

Must be scary to experience a stronger one. I wonder how much detolfs can take before shattering, not topple over but just break into 1000 pieces. Seeing that people in Japan have them i guess they can have some.
1 year ago