
Comments Nendoroid #408 - Mako Mankanshoku // Review

M-Linfa7 years ago#3999044If you check her little manual in the box you’ll find two holes identified on the arms G and H , I can actually see them on the picture you uploaded with the manual, I was wondering if you noticed them or knew what they were for ? the next page of the manual seems to explain their purpose but I don’t read japanese so I couldn’t understand

Oh sorry, about that, you use those two arms to reproduce the pose that you see on the top of the box (the same pose that I used for the last picture, with Ryuko! =)
7 years ago
shiromikuro7 years ago#3985323Sorry for the late reply, but I'm not sure what you mean?

If you check her little manual in the box you’ll find two holes identified on the arms G and H , I can actually see them on the picture you uploaded with the manual, I was wondering if you noticed them or knew what they were for ? the next page of the manual seems to explain their purpose but I don’t read japanese so I couldn’t understand
7 years ago
M-Linfa7 years ago#3930319nice review but since I don’t read japanese I have no idea what those two holes G and H under her long arm’s wrists are for ?
Sorry for the late reply, but I'm not sure what you mean?
7 years ago
nice review but since I don’t read japanese I have no idea what those two holes G and H under her long arm’s wrists are for ?
7 years ago
Moofin8 years ago#2807347she's absolutely cute!! i also love the little Guts!
one thing i'd like to point out that you don't have to be worried, that's not a paint bleed on her defalut faceplate, it is supposed to give her a :T like face. at least that's how i see it, i may be wrong :^)

Thanks a bunch! I did some photo research and it was actually my mistake! Glad you pointed it out! I fixed the post now =) Thanks a bunch again haha
8 years ago
she's absolutely cute!! i also love the little Guts!

one thing i'd like to point out that you don't have to be worried, that's not a paint bleed on her defalut faceplate, it is supposed to give her a :T like face. at least that's how i see it, i may be wrong :^)
8 years ago