
Comments Detolf price increased by $20

They were $99 last year and NOW $109? T o T COME ON.
How I regret not buying any back when they were $60 with thicker shelving...
5 months ago
why the THINNER SHELVES. GOD DAMN!! theres no alternatives like the detolf
7 months ago
I was literally about to buy my first one as I'm out of space with more figures on the way but that price increase caught me way off guard. Now I'm looking for cheaper alternatives :'(
8 months ago
I'm totally with buying a solid wood shelf, & installing some glass doors on them to minimize dust build up... $100 for wobbly glass shelves is a no go with the current figure prices. Then again, I didn't actually pay a lot for my most of current figures, except for my Ultimate Madoka figure because I couldn't find her anymore. I got lucky with my Devil Homura figure because she was being sold at the Aniplex booth at AX back in 2019. I don't believe I've spent more than $200 on a figure I've put on display, aside from Madoka. I did overspend on some custom junk figures, though. I learned my lesson from that one really quick...
9 months ago
$100 for a flimsy and fragile tempered glass shelf? With the prices of figures increasing, I don't feel confident putting those in detolfs. They've nearly doubled in price in 2022 and its not like the quality increased.

Its not affordable anymore. If I'm going to spend $100 or more on a shelf, I'd rather find something quality that's more durable.
9 months ago
Neck779 months ago#113212266Was looking for my first display case today. I watched a ton of videos and looked up the best display cases and everyone said the IKEA detolfs were the best and most affordable. The videos must have been outdated because I believed they were priced $60-$70 USD. After an entire day of planning and thinking it over I decided to go pick some up to save on delivery if they even deliver. I decided I would get two which would be around $120. I wnet two my closest Ikea, 3hrs away and I found them but priced at $100 each. I'm so sad, I only purchased one. I know this article is old but I just wanted to vent. :(Yeah, they were bumped up to $100 a few months after the $80 pricetag. Thankfully I got two before the increases (which is all my room can fit) but it’s a shame for collectors that need more :/
9 months ago
Was looking for my first display case today. I watched a ton of videos and looked up the best display cases and everyone said the IKEA detolfs were the best and most affordable. The videos must have been outdated because I believed they were priced $60-$70 USD. After an entire day of planning and thinking it over I decided to go pick some up to save on delivery if they even deliver. I decided I would get two which would be around $120. I wnet two my closest Ikea, 3hrs away and I found them but priced at $100 each. I'm so sad, I only purchased one. I know this article is old but I just wanted to vent. :(
9 months ago
$100 now is too much tbh
1 year ago
Ugh, they're now $100!
1 year ago
Colby20041 year ago#105422438It was quite recent, around the same time I posted this article.

Thank you. Dang ! I should have bought these few month's ago. Sending to Hawaii cost 130 dollars for 2.
1 year ago