
Comments UPS folklore

Sometimes it isn't just shipping, it was how badly it was packed. That is my issue. I have an ongoing claim from January.
9 years ago
shinhawk9 years ago#2093700I'm a UPS employee. If packages get damaged, it usually happens during sorting and not the driver's fault. Most drivers I know dread delivering packages with exterior damage since most people always blame the messenger.

That's a major relief!! Also interesting to meet a collector who works on mail.
9 years ago
ponnie9 years ago#2093467You have it all wrong in the poll. EMS/Air/SAL are Japanese types of international delivery. These are all standard types that are handled by national carrier (or biggest carrier on the market) when they arrive in your country. This means, for example, that Russian Post will handle this types of packages for me anyway disregarding the type. They do have different handling times for each, though. I guess, in you case it will be USPS that handles these - I'm not sure who handles EMS in US because this is an international delivery chain, but they usually choose the biggest carrier in the country for that.
However, I must admit that the longest shipping times I get when I order something from US via USPS - and I always get beaten boxes.

I noticed I made my poll a little confusing but I meant for ordering in general , international and national. Whether you use eBay and buy local or just do all your purchases as preorders. I mentioned it towards the bottom of my blog. When I buy from eBay on a rare occasion I'll usually look and prefer to have my item shipped Priority Mail USPS . When I do preorders thru Amiami I'll always use airmail or EMS and then hen entering the U.S. It gets picked up by our carrier. So I should of done a different pole, maybe aimed towards when it comes to shopping for figures in the U.S. Sorry about that but thanks for pointing it out. Should of been worded properly . ^_^.
9 years ago
I'm a UPS employee. If packages get damaged, it usually happens during sorting and not the driver's fault. Most drivers I know dread delivering packages with exterior damage since most people always blame the messenger.
9 years ago
ponnie ~Donyatsu Huntress~
You have it all wrong in the poll. EMS/Air/SAL are Japanese types of international delivery. These are all standard types that are handled by national carrier (or biggest carrier on the market) when they arrive in your country. This means, for example, that Russian Post will handle this types of packages for me anyway disregarding the type. They do have different handling times for each, though. I guess, in you case it will be USPS that handles these - I'm not sure who handles EMS in US because this is an international delivery chain, but they usually choose the biggest carrier in the country for that.

However, I must admit that the longest shipping times I get when I order something from US via USPS - and I always get beaten boxes.
9 years ago
My local UPS guy is great and is a regular customer at my job so we're somewhat friendly. We never receive damaged or manhandled shipments from them, but we could also just be lucky, because I know that the delivery driver isn't the only person who handles the packages before they get here.

However, by far, I've had the most issues with my local USPS guy being a lazy sod and not bothering to knock on my door so I can sign for packages arriving from overseas. I've started using DHL instead of EMS because I'm sick of making unnecessary trips to the post office. The DHL guy is always friendly and always comes to my door to see if someone is home.
9 years ago
I have not had much issues with the UPS. I actually used to be a UPS loader. First and foremost I no longer work for them or endorse them. It was a temporary job I took a while back. Warehouse work pretty much. What they taught us besides safety was that a lot of customers depend on the company. We had to make sure the packages we put were on right truck. This is pretty much the reason why packages may not arrive on time other than being lost or stolen. Our other job was to make sure to report any broken packages to our supervisors. Most packages that arrived to the warehouse arrive by truck. These trucks also carried cargo containers from airplanes. Plenty of packages, plenty of chances to get damaged along the way. Now regarding the UPS delivery that is another case. That delivery man should have handled your package better. Some drivers have over 300 stops to make in a day so I guess he was probably rushing. Either way he needs to do a better job about it.
9 years ago
For international packages, EMS all the way. For local packages, I prefer Fedex though I do like USPS priority.
9 years ago
I actually prefer UPS.

I can pick them up at the local pick up center, lady always remembers who I am, and always has the package ready for me as soon as she sees me walk in the door.

USPS/FedEX are always pretty incompetent - especially FedEX.
9 years ago
unless they drive it over with a car, it's just standard handling.
9 years ago