
lauralonelauraloneFlying a MiG-23Regular Boarder

bought ITEM #675857 from this user and i couldn’t be happier! thank you so much!
3 months ago
Bought the 1/7 Kaito from them and it’s just arrived today! A lot of sellers on here refuse to ship to me due to being in NZ but this seller was super helpful and it arrived exactly how described! They are very trustworthy and I highly recommend if you’re considering buying something from them!! Thank you so so much <333
7 months ago
Took over a preorder for Laura and she made it so easy and was super friendly!
Thank you again, Shion is finally home and she's everything I could have hoped for <3
10 months ago
Thanks for adding the Prussia merch! There’s so much out there that isn’t documented ;7; My OG best boy lol- you have good taste!
11 months ago
Great seller. Very friendly and shipped fast. The figure was as described.
1 year ago
hamfox ham
Took over a preorder of the bellfine Kiss-shot for Laura, everything went smoothly and shipping was very fast. My figure arrived perfect as well.
1 year ago
Welcome to the board lauralone! :)

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If you need any help with the site, please have a look at the FAQ. Also, if you find a bug or have a suggestion, please report it to the appropriate discussion at the official MFC club.

Enjoy your stay! ^^
2 years ago