Happy Birthday!
6 years ago
Happy level up day! XD
7 years ago
Happy Birthday!
8 years ago
Omega8 years ago#3103042Hm, auf meinem Account ist keine Bestätigung angekommen und dein Account wird nicht bei den Accounts angezeigt, denen ich folge.
Ah die Twitter App ist wirklich schrecklich!
Hab dich nun am PC bestätigt, kam es an? ><
8 years ago
Omega8 years ago#3090209Habe gerade erst gemerkt, dass du meinem Twitter Account folgst. Sollte etwas öfter nachschauen, habe eine Anfrage geschickt^^.
Schon okay, hab se angenommen ^^
8 years ago
Omega8 years ago#2449584Wer ich bin, scheinst du ja zu wissen. Wer bist du auf ARM?
Saki, nur nicht wirklich aktiv z.Z. :o

Oh man, jetzt komm ich bestimmt noch komischer rüber als sonst ;_; xD
8 years ago
Omega8 years ago#2449575Danke für die Freundesanfrage^^. Kennen wir uns von irgendwo?
Kein Problem! :3
Indirekt ja, von ARM :D
8 years ago
I hope you have a beautiful day and get at least half of what you want !

Happy Birthday ! =)
9 years ago
Happy Birthday! XD
9 years ago
Omega9 years ago#1828154I can see why they are that expensive. The size/details look incredible.
Yup, the 1'st one is pretty heavy too, with the custom base.

Omega9 years ago#1828154I think I get it now. Thanks for the explanation, I will take them into consideration when buying figures or tasking someone with making the two mentioned on the Backloggery.
You're welcome.

Omega9 years ago#1828154Doesn't this one always come with the staff in her hand? All pics I saw of that version showed Feena like that.
Nope. Notice how in the photo I linked to, the bottom end of the staff has no sharp part? That's because it broke off when I was trying to separate that part per the directions, so I could slide the staff through the fingers of her top hand. It didn't want to pop out, but broke off instead. The staff comes in the same package, but getting it into her hands is the owner's job. This is pretty well the rule when it comes to figures who hold things. Particularly weapons or shields.
9 years ago