
Reviews AmiAmi

4★ - AmiAmi
I love AmiAmi! I ordered so many figures from there, including my first 1/4 scale! She came perfect, no box dents or anything. I also got some pre-owned figures and they were A/A, A/B, and B/B. They were almost new, if you gave them to me and said that they've never been owned before I would believe you as they even smelled new. Pre-owned items are safe to get, no weird smells of mold or smoking or anything!

The only thing I dislike about AmiAmi is the shipping and how it does not tell you how much shipping is until after.
9 months ago
4★ - Constructive feedback for AmiAmi:
This is neither complaint nor praise.
I think it is reasonable to assume that something would be stacked on top of a box this big at some point in its international travel, however there was insufficient tape to keep the top closed with something inside.
The top flaps would have been completely open if it weren't for the single strap of tape going across the middle.
It was luck that none of the items inside were damaged.
9 months ago
4★ - Great, but not the best
Ordered ITEM #1225697 in May 2022 and paid invoice + shipping in June. Figure arrived safe and sound (I chose DHL), and I appreciate how prompt Amiami processed my order. This was my first time ordering stuff online so it's a pretty nice experience for me. Yet the webpage is just... Eh, needs more improvement. Often loads slowly and easily overloads if there are huge amount of users using the website; but other than that it's still alright.
11 months ago
4★ - Still number one?
AmiAmi is considered one of the top Japanese based figure sellers by many, myself included. They usually have all the new releases up for pre-order though not some shop exclusives but this is really not in their control. Their used figure selection gets the majority of my business and over the years business has been good. I have most of my collection thanks to them. I love them.
But here lately the affection is somewhat wavering. Why? Well one of the first things I noticed was that in the past their pre-order prices use to be below the (suggested) retail price that is listed here on MFC but lately they have been above and sometimes quite a bit above that given price. This could be whoever is adding the price here on MFC's error but being that I'm seeing it more frequently I have to wonder if it is AmiAmi who has raised their prices. I see stuff cheaper elsewhere sometimes.
Another issue I've had as well as other users have had is that they use to be on top of processing their orders very quickly. Now you go onto their site and see that they have that figure you pre-ordered listed as released but lo an behold you have not received an invoice for it. The first time this happened I waited a few days and then sent them an email asking them why I haven't received it yet. They were quick to respond (they are always very responsive by the way and this is why I give their customer service rating 10 stars) and they said sorry and that they would send it soon. A day later they did. I know that the excuse of the pandemic is valid but honestly is it still? During 2020 when it was at it's peak I never had this delay on invoices happen. Not even once. So why is it happening now? Maybe a system issue? The last order I got I waited patiently again for the invoice and got nothing after 7 days so I ended up just adding a cheap item to the order and the next day they sent the invoice for payment. This is what some have come to call the 'fix'. I don't want to force them to make me pay! I don't want to buy even more stuff when I am already paying quite a lot in the first place for the item and the shipping. This is almost boarder lining on some kind of sales gimmick where they are getting people to buy even more stuff just to get what they already ordered. Surely not though right? Right? YES I know I don't have to add an item and that they will ultimately send me the invoice. What ever is going on I'm just saying that here recently they have not been quite up to their previous standards when it comes to requesting payment and it's a little worrying. The price of figures have gone up (not their fault?), the price of shipping has gone up (really not their fault), shipping is slower and now AmiAmi is having problems with processing orders in a timely manor like they have done so for all the years I have used them. It's not a great time to have these issues AmiAmi. Also what the hell is going on with their website? it takes forever to load up pages some times and it's even told me that it can't because of too much traffic. I never have these problems with Mandarake or other sites so what is up? It is noticeably slower to me.
I seriously never thought I would give them anything but a 5 star rating.
I still love them. I will still continue to use them. But with as much business I have given them throughout the years I think I am permitted my opinion of them. And here lately my opinion is that they need to get their business back up to the standards that they are well known for or they will run the risk of losing that number one spot that a lot of people hold for them.

4 stars.
1 year ago
mandu420 chika fujiwara simp
4★ - Great Store with nice prices
Trustworthy store! The only thing that's annoying is probably the shipping.
2 years ago
106 reviews