You're welcome !
Thunder9 years ago#2052693Thank you!
9 years ago
I hope you have a beautiful day and get at least half of what you want !

Happy Birthday ! =)
9 years ago
happy birthday !
9 years ago
Thunder9 years ago#2015229Happy Birthday! ^_^
thank you.
9 years ago
I hope the all of the kaiju don't eat the anime girls.
9 years ago
Thunder9 years ago#1827184Yep, depending on the amount of shelf space, I'd say a few could fit in there.There's a shelf with more or less useless objects. I rarely need most of them at all, so throwing them out or moving them to another location is no problem and enough for starting.
Thunder9 years ago#18271841. M1 Godzilla vs Biollante kit: picture/46414&a...
2. Super Premium Godzilla (the biggest one in this pic): picture/45837&a...
I can see why they are that expensive. The size/details look incredible.
Thunder9 years ago#1827184Hm, PVC is what most scale figures that I own are made of. It's soft, so it has some play. This comes in handy in most cases as if the figure is brand new, there are plastic sheets that separate the parts, which need to be removed. More importantly it allows you to squeeze weapons/whatever the figure comes with into their hands w/o damaging it. ABS is like PVC, except more rigid, and when painted, it's shinier. Resin... there are at least two types, one is hard and like pumice in texture, but thinner parts are brittle, making them easy to break if you're not careful. The thinner the extremity part, the easier to break. This type of resin has by far the greatest level of intricate detail possible with it for monsters, however even the thick parts can be chipped/dinged with relatively small impact force. The second type of resin looks more like a statue than pumice on the outside & is much tougher. It's not usually as detailed as the other type of resin, though. You sacrifice detail for strength.
There are also lots of figures made of both ABS & PVC. In most cases the hands, feet, and delicate parts are made of PVC & the main body is made of ABS.
Note also that some monster figures (Godzilla ones for example) are made of soft vinyl. These are the most durable kind of figure there is, however, they require a mold to make and are thus hollow.
I think I get it now. Thanks for the explanation, I will take them into consideration when buying figures or tasking someone with making the two mentioned on the Backloggery.
Thunder9 years ago#1827184Examples-
PVC: image/Thunder12...
Doesn't this one always come with the staff in her hand? All pics I saw of that version showed Feena like that.
9 years ago
Thunder9 years ago#1826653XDThen it's decided :D.
Thunder9 years ago#1826653That's the plan I had, and still ended up swamped ^^; Space was never an issue for me, and really isn't one now, though the vast majority of my figures are still at my parents place. They'll have to wait until I finish the basement to move XDWell, I have a place to store them, but what good is that when I'm not there most of the time? Or they could be stored in my current 10 m² room. That'd work as long as I own only a few figures.

Thunder9 years ago#1826653Ouch yeah, that's a lot of dough. Though who am I to talk, two of mine cost way more than that, each ^^;;Which one?

I've heard of various materials for figures, mainly resin, PVC and ABS. Are there significant differences regarding the quality?
9 years ago
Thunder9 years ago#1824063XD I has magical powers~
Welcome aboard.
Seems like it. Should I start calling you Soutentei? xD

I don't know how far I'll go with collecting figures. I don't have the place to store them and would only go for ones related to something that will keep/kept me interested for a very long time. Well, that's the plan for now. Besides, just two figures that have yet to be added to my wishlist cost more than 400 USD. That's just too much for now.
9 years ago
Thunder9 years ago#1824035Hi Omega XDHi Thunder,

looks like you managed to lure me to this site today :D.
9 years ago
Thanks! ^_^Thunder9 years ago#1808018Happy Birthday!
9 years ago